Fank Abela and others. Speakers to replace my Dynaudio Contour 1.8 that can be fairly close together?

Posted by: Jaybar on 22 August 2001

I am seriously thinking of replacing my Dynaudio Contour 1.8's, even if it means a lesser speaker that integrates better in this room. I have tried a lOT of speaker placment alternatives and can at best achieve moderate results with trade-off's

Because of my room's construction/shape it retains a LOT of bass and these speakers simply put out too much bass for this room. There is a 7 db rise at 100-140 hz, with very little if any fall-ff after 40 hz. The bass completely over-powers the music.

The room is only 12 feet wide (short wall) and I can't place them on the long wall. Moreover, to work optimally they require 7-8 feet apart which I just can't do. I am not even close. When I am 6.5 to 7 feet apart, I get so much mid/lower bass because of proximity to the side walls, that the music is completely over powered. Only at about 39" from the speaker's Center to the side-walls, is the bass really tuneful, but this places them fairly close together.

I would sacrifice some speaker quality to get speakers that integrated better with the room. Speakers will need to be 5.5 to 6.5 feet apart, center to Center. Speakers that need to hug the wall behind them or anything close, won't work here. My couch would be 8-10 feet away depending on how far into the room the speakers are placed. I currently have spectral gear, but would consider Naim or Linn. I am not looking at the equivilent level of Sonics, but rather to make my hifi life MUCH simpler.

Would any of the Sonus Fabers work close together. Signums may be over my budget?

What about the Dynaudio Contour stand mounted speakers- would they work placed closer together and be less likely to have bass issues?

What about the new Linn Speakers (Ninkas etc)?

Other suggestions?



Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Andrew Randle

Living Voice do some fantastic loudspeakers. The range starts are around £1500, even the £4k ones are fantastic value for money. They require a bit of space behind them and will work fairly close together, say 6 feet.

These really are top notch, fantastically musical. Solidly assured, well balanced, with great bass while light and revealing.

These *are* what you need.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Jaybar
Will the Concertino Home's work?
Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Milan
I have listened to the SF concertino's with Naim 72/140. They are areally good little speaker, very engaging to listen to. You may find them bass light but the overall sound is involving, good PRaT.

Also try the Dynaudio Contour 1.3's. These do have a rear port so may need some space from the wall though.

Home dem seems essential though!



Posted on: 23 August 2001 by Frank Abela
Is it possible for you to borrow a pair of Ruark CL20's? They've not been very successful for us, but they're an excellent speaker - less obvious bass to them than 1.8s and a bit more neutral if anything. We like them lots. Can go quite close to the wall and each other.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 23 August 2001 by Hammerhead
So how do they compare (if at all) with their predecessors, the Talismans? Large price hike I notice..



Posted on: 23 August 2001 by Frank Abela
Much cleaner, much faster, much better, much more expensive....

They're closer to Crusaders in performance, even though they're physically similar to Talismans.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 23 August 2001 by Martin M
I would suggest that because your room are has problems with 'traditional' loudspeakers with 'traditional' sound radiation patterns, I would look at alternatives speaker technolgies that will interact with the room in a completely different manner. I can think of two suggestions:

1) seeing that you are in New York, I would suggest you get yourself up the LIE to Dick Shahinian's place and check out some of his speakers. They are notorious for 'rescuing' bad rooms. Also the cost of Shahinian speakers are extremely competitive in the US compared to the UK (substitute pound for dollar and your almost there). They are also very good speakers!

2) Check out Magneplanar's. They fling as much sound out the back as they do the front and not much out the sides. This will be a real 'feast or famine' in your room. Check em out, if they work well they'll be spectacular.

If you could place speakers in the corner I'd also take a peak at Klipschorns. These use room resonances to get their to the target characteristic and can sound amazingly musical. I hope this helps.

Posted on: 23 August 2001 by Jaybar
Thanks to all who responded so far. I can't drive so getting out to Shahanian is difficult. I will check on Rauk dealers.


Posted on: 23 August 2001 by Martin M
Give Dick a call on (631) 736-0033 , given your difficulties, his nearness and the suitability of your system I'm sure he can set something up, even if it just picking you up from the train station! From what I can tell he is a very personable fellow. Good luck