new naim gear
Posted by: Simon Matthews on 12 February 2001
Andrew Randle
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[This message was edited by Andrew Randle on MONDAY 12 February 2001 at 16:14.]
Joh n
Assuming its the same cornflake (can there be more than one?)2
I hope they are still there. Ill check at lunchtime
Anyway, glad to hear its still alive and kicking.
ps - anyone know whether the Sound Org at London Bridge still exists? Bought lots of gear there when it was in the old building - probably the biggest dem room I've ever seen and apparantly the scene of some stunning parties.
Blimey that brings back memories. I was also at Imperial (and the Audio Soc) early / mid '80s. The Sound Org was a really great shop in a great old building. And aaah the smell of fruit and vegetables. They moved out ages ago - last time I looked the building was still there - it had become an Agency for child actors. The veg market is still there.
Roger Macer was a real Kan fan - he apparently had active Kans in his flat hooked up to the TV and used to listen to Formula 1 LOUD. Fine except for Murray Walker....
It was Steve Moore (Ex Imperial) who started the Cornflake Shop, with Chris. I also remember their flight case system - It was indeed very cool.
The TCS Kan stands must have been similar to the frame stands that Roksan made for the Darius. Touraj (who started Roksan and designed the Xerxes etc) was also at Imperial around the same time. I have a mate who has the caged Darius and they do indeed look a little unconventional.
Could go on ...'Did you know so and so?...' but I can hear the groans already.
i also bought my first hifi system at sound org! and got to know roger macer and hamish (who i gather now runs SO in York) quite well. those were the days -- whenever SO folk came to my place to install an upgrade -- they always ended up staying till wee hours enjoying music -- i particularly remember the day they installed isobariks and hicap to upgrade Kan and snaps.
i can truly say i have not found another dealer who made hifi such fun.
i visited the new SO in new premises a few years ago (i dont know if there are still trading?) --- wasnt the same...
would have been interesting to attend some of the audio soc events -- but never got round to it -- there were always other things to do..
ICSTM 1982-85.
The Windmill club has reopened. Its very good but very get through £10.00 in about 30 seconds...Lap top dancing...just thought I would mention it in case one of you lot pops into the wrong place by mistake. Its easy to confuse Windmill Street with the Windmill.
£10.00 in about 30 seconds...Lap top dancing.
Ayyup, no-one's gonna dance on my laptop. Particularly when I'm using it!
Andrew Randle
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You spotted my mistake.........I should have said pole dancing......whatever you call it, its bloody good.
The alternative sounds more appealing, particularly if the women don't view the men as walking wallets.
Andrew Randle
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Take my word for it.....when you go in there, you are a walking wallet.
Still bloody good fun though.
Mick.......last went there about 4 months ago and came out skint.
last went there about 4 months ago and came out skint.
Now if I were to do that, would be no good for my "CD Player Savings Plan"
Andrew Randle
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snap again. infidelity is now may naim dealer too. one of these days i might bump into you there as i have a number of upgrades in the pipeline.
i knew marc too, but kind of lost touch. when you say:
I kept in touch with Marc Yeoh for quite a few years after he left SO but he's sadly no longer with us
are you saying he passed away?? if so, i am sorry to hear that. i did a little business with him when he was running sound org after roger macer - a real enthusiast too. i will have my nap250 from sound org!!!