Rock radio

Posted by: J.N. on 22 January 2004

I've just returned from the USA, and as usual enjoyed some great FM rock music stations whilst driving.

One of them promised 50 minutes of music every hour (and delivered it).

The format was a segue of about half a dozen tracks followed by two minutes of adverts; then back to the music.

No twats phoning in to say that they are washing up/doing their homework; no DJ's drivelling on about inconsequential shite that no one is interested in; just a great spread of good rock music.

Why can't we do this on FM?

The nearest we get to it (and the only radio station I can enjoy in the car) is 'Arrow Classic Rock' at 675 Khz on AM. As it's Dutch; the adverts are tolerable.

'Virgin' is similar I suppose; but again it's on crappy AM.

What say you?

(with apologies to Alex Gerrard) - Rawk!
Posted on: 22 January 2004 by Rasher
Some are good and some are bad. I kept coming across a station last year that has dj's talking in a manner that was not suitable for my kids in the car, with adverts for condoms and general sex stuff. I was very surprised to tell the truth. I always thought USA was paranoid about such stuff being aired, and this was all day.
Posted on: 25 January 2004 by GML

I totally agree and haven't listened to an English station for years save for the news/weather. Radio 10 Gold (also Dutch) plays a decent selection and even after all this time, I am still unable to understand the adverts. On the down side it also broadcasts on AM (1395).

P.S. No sign of the CDX2 yet.