How robust is a Linn to jumping Cats (dust cover closed)?

Posted by: Jaybar on 19 May 2001

We have cats who are now jumpers up to my wall mounted shelf (we tried evrything they won't stop), when the dust vover is slosed. Will the cats jumping on/off the TT cause it to loose its setup. Am I better with an un-prund TT? (Linn, Trampolinn, Ekos, Lingo, Linto).



Posted on: 19 May 2001 by Andy Kirby
I don't think the cats will do any real harm to the setup as the dust cover rests on the surround and so is not part of the suspension mechanism.

Still prevention is better than cure so go out and buy a small 'water pistol' and squirt the 'critters' everytime they go near the turntable, cats hate water delivered in this manner, they will soon get the message and stay away.

Great fun too.... cool



PS hope the wife does not read this board.

Posted on: 19 May 2001 by Dev B
Jaybar, disturbing the LP12 is not a good idea, so I would either get rid of the cat or the LP12.

I would choose the latter.

Posted on: 19 May 2001 by Rockingdoc
Cats can be trained, they just pretend to not understand. All of mine over the past years have jumped on to my LP12 and CDS2 at first but shouting growling and the occasional beating have cured them all in the end. I expect the water pistol would work too, but I suspect there may be an exclusion cause in Naim's warranty.
Posted on: 19 May 2001 by Andrew Randle
Cat proof turntables... I'm pretty sure that the Technics SLP decks are very resilient.

There's a story that Scarborough Hi-Fi had a cat that slept on the rotating platter of a Michell Gyrodec.

Other than that, you might like to offer to buy Mick Parry's enclosed oak cabinet wink Or find something similar.


P.S. Mick, seeing as your sons like your cabinet so much - you wife might be more ammenable to the idea of giving it to one of your sons....?

Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 20 May 2001 by Mike Hanson
Cats like to sit on the highest place. If you put something higher than your stereo setup nearby, then it's easier to prevent them from jumping on your system.

For example, I had a large oak cabinet festooned with knick-knacks, and they would have loved to jump on it. It was flanked by my Albions, which are rather precariously perched on their stands, so having a cat jump on them would easily cause them to tumble. I placed a "cat tree" beside my one speaker, and it was taller than both the speakers and cabinet. It was quite easy to keep them off the "good stuff", while they happily scaled the cat tree.

BTW, the piano was on the other side of the room, and it's taller still. I never could keep them off that. Perhaps if I had a taller cat tree...

Now we're making the transition to our new house. We have many more rooms, so we'll have a whole new series of challanges. We've already caught them jumping to the kitchen counter, up to a nearby window sill, then up onto the top of the kitchen cupboards. (Did I say that cats like high places?)

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 20 May 2001 by Jaybar


Posted on: 20 May 2001 by mr saucisson
Get a box of something called "Silent Roar", and put some of it into the bottom of an old sock. hang the sock under or over the TT. This should do the trick. About £8 in the UK for a box.

It cleared pesky critters from my garden in no time at all. No more munched ornamental grasses or squashed courgettes!


Posted on: 20 May 2001 by P
I had a bit of a problem with a pesky cat that would scramble up my garden fence to gain access and sh**te in my wifes vedgy patch. It would also trigger the PIR activated security light in my rear and wake me up at 2 am on occasion.

Carpet gripper rod on the fence soon stopped the devlish thing from jumping up or comming near ever again.

For those outraged animal rights activists out there who think this may have been a touch barbaric - the wheeze was recommended by the local crime prevention officer (in an off the record conversation) as a burglar deterrent and it is apparently acceptable and not prosecutable OK?

I dislike cats more than I dislike cars - they're both the devils own work but at least cars don't kill things for the fun of it! - hmmm or do they?.


Posted on: 20 May 2001 by mr saucisson
Ok to have carpet gripper rods on your fences!? Not sure about that! I cannot really see why this should be distinguishable from broken glass embedded in the top of in walls etc - and I believe that people have successfully been sued for damages resulting from that.


Posted on: 21 May 2001 by mr saucisson

I was thinking about cat burglars! I hadn't thought of cats themselves. An interesting question though. I think that it would probably depend very much on the circumstances.


Posted on: 21 May 2001 by Greg Beatty
...depends greatly on your view of cats.

In my (and my fiance's) place, the cats rule the roost. The reasoning is that the house is *just about the entire universe* to that cats. They are there 24/7 with occasional adventures outside.

So...I don't like to limit their options within this already-too-small universe.

I would protect the LP12 rather than adding something unpleasant to the environment. Add something above it or move it inside a cabinet and use sound shelves (or whatever their called) under it.

I used to have a B&O turntable that was impervious to being tapped. Don't know if the dust cover would have survived the weight tho.

My $.02.

- Greg

Insert Witty Signature Line Here

Posted on: 21 May 2001 by Joe Petrik

It would also trigger the PIR activated security light in my rear and wake me up at 2 am on occasion.

Have you seen a proctologist about this?

Sorry, couldn't resist.


Posted on: 21 May 2001 by P
You a funny guy!

I never thought of it like that - and it was a STRANGE thought right?
