RDC SPP Platform vs Nordost Pulsar Points
Posted by: Nic Peeling on 26 February 2001
At the Bristol show my wife bought me an RDC SPP platform for £90. This has a spiral of damping compound in a spiral cut into the underneath and four cones of the same material supporting it. The platform is made by Clearlight Audio and I got it from the Audiophile Candy people. I replaced the two sets of three Pulsar points (supporting two MDF shelves) under my Theta CD transport with the SPP platform and compared the results. Basically they are similarly effective with subtle tonal differences. Compared to putting the Theta directly on the stand's glass shelf the improvement is massive, without either extra support the music "shouts" at you. My preference was narrowly for the SPP platform over the Pulsar Points, and it is visually much less obtrusive, but a bit more expensive. I then put three Pulsar Points on top of the SPP platform, directly under the body of the Theta and got a noticeable further improvement. The experiment was done on my Ash stand.
I would give the platform an enthusiastic endorsement - it came with a 7 day money back guarantee, so anyone who wonders what difference supports make can easily (and relatively cheaply) have a try.
Nic P