Allaes again

Posted by: redeye on 21 January 2002

Has anybody out there....

actually parted with the cash and acquired a pair of these yet? I've read a few comments about them based on dealer dem's and there seems to be fairly vast disagreement about whether they're the bomb or a total pile.
If they are a scaled down NBL then surely they must rock..

I would've thought confused

Posted on: 22 January 2002 by redeye
Good to hear you like 'em. What else did you try on for size?
Posted on: 22 January 2002 by redeye
may I ask

what you're using to drive them with?
Guessing the Shahinian you tried was the Arc. Always been fond of those speakers. So the allae has that 'lose yerself in the music and forget the damned equipment' thing happening obviously.

Any particular type of music?

Posted on: 22 January 2002 by ebirah
Tom, did you listen to the SBL?


Posted on: 22 January 2002 by Justin
did yo listen to sbl's?


Posted on: 22 January 2002 by redeye

Amazes me more people on this forum aren't into Royds. Always been regarded as a poor mans Naim speaker which is total bollocks IMO. Can't wait to hear 'em.Have you managed to spend your 15k yet?


Don't be shy mate. Whats the rest of the system??
I feel we should be told wink