One of the 9 socket Wiremold strips comes recommended by NANA as the best of those they tried. It's a special no frills model sans circuit breaker, power switch, nasty fluorescent indicator light, etc. About $US 40. IIRC via direct phone order. Can't remember the model no./order info, off hand, but will look at mine if you are interested.
It replaced a pretty substantial Hammond strip that had 'industrial' grade sockets, circuit breaker, and switch with dreaded light. I did notice an improvement, mostly less grain and edge to strings, cymbals, and the like. Quiet bits could have been quieter but, I should point out that I didn't really do any real A/B type testing (can't even stand the idea of it), I just unplugged and plugged everything a couple of times, before the change, (leaving the boxes off for approximately the same length of time prior to listening) in an attempt to do a reasonably fair comparison (Christ, that does sound like an A/B). I've never felt the desire to go back to the old to know for sure.
The Hammond is doing sterling service in my spare room system, now that it has had its hanging bits removed (I'd say it is likely just as good as the Wiremold now). Hammond is Canadian, and also make a high quality product. The usual price advantage applies whether you are Loonie or Green Back, not that they cost the earth or anything. I believe that they also do a stripped down strip. I have a catalog and will check that too.
Definitely worth the effort I'd say.