CDS transport upgrade to cdsii

Posted by: Don Atkinson on 31 March 2002

CDS transport upgrade to cdsii

OK, this is a straightforward testimonial to Naim. (or should that be testament?). So, if you can't stand this sort of thing, now is the time to quit the thread. (you could try a few brainteasers instead, or join the 'lets knock the Mana boys' thread!)

At the end of January the overhead power supply cable to our house broke. The power surge, the flash and the bang blew my daughter's midi-system to pieces and the power company repaired it pretty quickly. I told them not to even touch the real hifi system. I delivered it to Salisbury myself, one of the advantages of living only 40 miles away!

Naim checked the kit and repaired a few bits. I also decided this was the time to change the cdsi transport for a cdsii transport. The LP12 system went off to Grahams for a check and reset.

I got the Naim kit back two weeks ago and the LP12 came back Thursday. I haven't listened to the LP12 yet but I have listened to the cdsii/grey burndy/cdps….its absolutely stunning!!

Lets recognise that in addition to the cdsii, I also have a new overhead power cable, the system's plugs and sockets have been 'cleaned', the 52 has had the internal cable tie removed and I've no doubt the power amps have been tightened up physically etc. All of these no doubt contribute to the overall improvement, but I am satisfied that the biggest chunk of improvement by far, is the cdsii.

So what are the sonic differences that I can hear between the cdsi and cdsii transports?

More detail. Instruments and voices that I never knew were there, have appeared.

More resolution. Instruments and voices that are now obvious, had existed before in a murky 'fog' of unresolved detail.

More sweetness. Especially noticeable in the treble, but actually across all frequency spectra. Eg loud, powerful, female vocals remain clear and resinous without becoming harsh.

More timbre. Instruments and voices have far more texture, which adds to their realism. The nature of the recording venue is more convincingly portrayed. Eg Voices float hauntingly and shimmer in large hall settings

Extra depth. The bass is very well controlled and plumbs new depths without loss of volume or clarity. Bass guitars, drums, organs and deep voices are so easy to follow and stay in tune and in control, they don't sound 'lean', they sound powerful and rich, they are not 'overblown' or vague. We are heading clearly and positively into big Krell territory in this respect. (believe me, that IS a compliment!!)

More music. Yes. Don't know how to describe this aspect, but my old 'favourites' sound stunningly good and I now want to listen to those tracks I used to skip…somehow they make more sense and many of them now sound stunningly good as well!

Next steps? Well first I have a whole new cd collection to listen to again. I will give the NAP500 a good audition. I can't imagine it will give all the above benefits the same magnitude of improvement yet again, but I can dream! and the pocket money savings will have to improve to justify auditioning the 552. The difficult bit is the cd source. Should I get the black burndy/xps or hold until the direction of cd/dvd etc gets resolved and Naim launch their cdsiii?

OK, as I said, this is a testimonial (or testament?) to Naim. Well done and a big " thank you."



Posted on: 31 March 2002 by Mick P

Good to hear that your system has been kicked up a few notches, I told you to stick with Naim and forget about Krell.

I would think you have two steps before buying a 500. Theses would be

a) Go active, big improvement for minimal outlay, you got 90% of the kit already.

b) Get a 552, this will set you back about £11,500 but you will have a redundant 52 and Supercap which you can sell. With a recent service, they will fetch good money. Use it to take Mrs Don on holiday as a little sweetener.

c) Then buy the 500 and then call it a day, unless you fancy a Fraim of course.



Posted on: 31 March 2002 by Don Atkinson
The Krells are taking a back seat for the moment.

Go activeI've often thought about this, but the Wilsons weren't designed for active use (according to the e-mail I got back from Wilsons) seems a pity....but they do sound passively good

Get a 552...... and...... take Mrs Don on holiday as a little sweetener. I'm a flying instructor, not a 747 captain!! cool

buy the 500 and then call it a day, unless you fancy a Fraim of course. The 500 could be on the cards...The Fraim?...well, I think Naim could give them away free of charge (FOC) with cdsii, 552 and 500. Anybody else think this a good idea? roll eyes

BTW how's the mana stands and 135s progressing? bet they make those bargin briks sing!!!



Posted on: 01 April 2002 by Derek Wright
Don - your description of the improvement between the CDSi and CDSi is very similar to my view of the improvement between a pair of 135s and a 500. PLus the 500s gave a degree of scale or grandeur in the music, if a big drum is hit, them you know a big drum is hit (and at the appropriate volume you can feel it as well) - I think also that my speakers contribute to this as well <g>

The 500s made the 135s sounding very ordinary - but at more than double the price they should do.


Posted on: 01 April 2002 by Mick P

The Briks sound "different" on Mana and overall I like it. They also improve the appearance because the Linn stand is rather utilitarian to say the least. The Mana stand actually looks quite good.

Anytime you want to take a look, you have only to ask.

I bought a pair of s/h 135's and they are now with Naim for a full service. Hopefully they will be back here in about 3 weeks.

Stallion seems pleased with his, so I am looking forward to them.

BTW, I still have your cable but I have not been down you part of the world recently to return them. Please let me know if you need it.



Posted on: 01 April 2002 by Don Atkinson
I think there is some sort of synergy between the cdsii/52/135s that for some reason doesn't quite exist if you substitute either a cdsi or a 250 (or an 82/supercap for that matter). Whichever way you arrive at this combination, there seems to be a quantum leap in performance when the last piece is put in place.

Perhaps the same will be true of a cdsiii/552/500????

Meanwhile, I guess buyers of second hand cdsii's had better beware, I can't see too many honest adds saying 'little used', especially if they are partnered with a 52/135.



Posted on: 01 April 2002 by Don Atkinson
The 500s made the 135s sounding very ordinary - but at more than double the price they should do.

I will wait till the pennies are saved up before seriously audutioning a 500 otherwise I can see disapointment setting in with "mere" 135s big grin



Posted on: 01 April 2002 by Don Atkinson
Mick, Perhaps I could take up your offer sometime after you've got you 135s up and running?

At the moment the cable isn't being missed, so no worries there. If things change, I'll let you know.

Unfortunately we are visiting Swindon regularly at the moment, our neighbours were knocked off their bike about 10 days ago, just outside Marlborough. Gerald is still in the Princess Margaret hospital and probably will be for another month or so, poor sod! (refering to his injuries, not that he's banged up in Swindon!)



Posted on: 02 April 2002 by Derek Wright
Don - I agree - I do not listen to different (potentially better kit) unless I have the pennies ready to be spent.
