Cable Dressing - yet again
Posted by: mykel on 11 June 2001
Basically the "rules" seem to be ...
Keep Power and signal cables seperate.
Cross cables at right angles if necessary to reduce interference.
Let signal cables "hang" in free air as opposed to zip tying.
Use bubble wrap or similar to provide accustic isolation - ie speaker cable along floor.
Suspend speaker cables where possible - ie bubble wrap pads on floor or suspended by elastic bands.
Keep L&R speaker cables apart as far as possible.
Now keeping in mind that many of us have sub-optimal listening enviornments - we make due with what we have.
If you don't have the room to have all cables seperate what is the "best comprimise"
What do you do with excess cables ? Sometimes it is just not possible to follow the "rules" - even tho we wish we could. ie. My rack in to the right of the speakers, ( nothing between the speakers )I have several feet of excess speaker cable - how do I tidy this up - especially if coiling or zig-zagging and zip tying is a no-no.
Same with extra power cable, signal cables length. What do you do with the extra length? If I let it drop it ends up bunched up on the floor, and I don't have the room to "stretch it out" ( My listening room is about 10' x 11' / 3m x 3.2m )
Any help would be greatly appreciated... and be ready for more questions !!!!
thank-you all - yet again
The guy with too many questions....