I just can't do it!

Posted by: woodface on 29 May 2002

I have been toying with the idea of buying a new rack for some time now and to be honest all roads seem to lead me to the fraim. The thing is I just cannot bring myself to splash the cash on 'furniture'! I have landed on fraim purely by a process of illimination thus: Isoblue (flimsy), Quadraspire Ref. (wobbly, poor customer service), Hutter (too big), Mana (too ugly) etc etc. I really resent 'having' to pay £1500 for a 4 shelf rack!!! I also quite like the idea of buying a new camera and a 2nd hand Leica M6 suddenly seems a lot more attractive!
Posted on: 30 May 2002 by J.N.
I spent £2,800 on Fraim.

Like you I had to convince myself it was worth it.

Is a 52 worth it?

The effect of putting my system on Fraim COULD NOT have been replicated by spending the money on black boxes. Period.

In that regard; it is good v.f.m.

What else is there, that is DESIGNED to realise the full potential of your system?

It looks superb and very easy to keep clean with a 'California Duster' type implement.

AND; those famous words from Fortnum and Mason hold true:

"The quality will be enjoyed, long after the price is forgotten".
Posted on: 31 May 2002 by J.N.
I'll cough to crap curtains with no cred.

I will not have a very fine speaker maligned!

Choose your weapons, Sir!
Posted on: 31 May 2002 by Greg Beatty
...that it makes J.N.s hi-fi kick butt with only one speaker.

Truely amazing.

- GregB

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