Going Active with Non-Naim Speakers

Posted by: JosephR on 23 September 2001

After being bombarded several times with active systems made up of Genesis 1.1/FM Acoustics or 3 NAP500s/DBLs, it really is so tempting to go active. No room treatments, yet totally awesome bass and dynamics.

Until I can afford some DBLs (the NBLs are good, but still not in the DBLs' league - about same price too!), I was thinking of making my Proacs active using Snaxos. Is this feasible ?

Posted on: 23 September 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
I recently sold my NAC42XO 2x110 active system to a friend.

Using an SBL crossover alignment, and adjusting levels to suit his speakers (some old Ruark floorstanders) he's now got a wicked system.

He's so pleased he goes home at lunchtime to listen to it!

Be prepared for some fiddling, but it can be done.


Posted on: 23 September 2001 by Idris Mohammed
Hi Joseph,

I believe you can tune the Snaxo provided the crossover points of your Proacs are not far off from Naims own. If I'm not mistaken the Snaxo 2-4 crosses over at 2400hz or so and Snaxo 3-6 crosses over at 350hz/3500hz. If your Proacs shares about the same frequency points then I see no reason why it shouldn't work at least electrically. Talk to your dealer who is in a better position to give advice on this subject.

Best regards,

Posted on: 23 September 2001 by JosephR
Thanks, there is hope then ...

Hi, Idris, are you my nearby neighbor with DBLs (I'm at Blk. 428) ?

Posted on: 23 September 2001 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Idris Mohammed:
Hi Joseph,

If I'm not mistaken the Snaxo 2-4 crosses over at 2400hz or so and Snaxo 3-6 crosses over at 350hz/3500hz.


the crossover points can be set by Naim using different component values on the PCB.

The Crossover points for NBLs & DBLs are quite different, i.e.:-

input impedance >10 kilohms
output impedance <50 ohms
crossover frequencies
2-4 credo, sbl 2.7kHz
3-6 nbl 250Hz, 2.8kHz
3-6 dbl 350Hz, 2.8kHz
filter slopes 18dB/octave

Taken from the manuals which can be downloaded from the website. Other frequencies can also be set by Naim, e.g. Kan is slightly different to SBL. They can even adjust an old NAXO or SNAXO for different speakers.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 23 September 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
The SBL crosses over at 2.4kHz, the Kan a few hundred Hz lower, owing to the slightly different knee shape on the low pass section.

This was ideally suited to the Ruarks, which crossover in a similar place.

We removed the crossover (attached to the bi-wireable terminals on the rear) and soldered the drive unit wiring direct.

It's a fab sounding system, and the Ruark's are very tight and rythmic, with reasonable bass extension.
