Active system questions

Posted by: Paul Gravett on 16 July 2002

I have a question regarding the Snaxo 2-4 active crossover, which I have a chance to buy second-hand.
Could I run it off my supercap whilst also using the latter to power my 82/250, or would it require another power supply?
If it requires another, then that presents a problem cos the only one I have at present - a hicap - is used to run a prefix.
Also, I've heard that when two 250s are used actively they have to be sent to Naim to be 'matched'. Just what does this involve, and what would the system sound like without it? One of my 250s is about nine years old and has never been serviced, the other is even older but was recapped in 1997.
Thanks appreciated for any help/advice.
Posted on: 16 July 2002 by J.N.
I concur.

You need a Hi-Cap (or another Supercap) to drive the SNAXO.

I run two non-matched 250's into SBL's with no problem and know someone who runs DBL's with 3 pairs of 135's of varying vintage.

Common sense says, get amps checked out if they are around 10 years old.

Received wisdom says put the better/newer amp on the tweeters.
Posted on: 16 July 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by J.N.:
and know someone who runs DBL's with 3 pairs of 135's of varying vintage.

I guess that'll be me.

Although they were all matched up many years ago (10?) the transformers have been replaced in one pair since then (so that pair aren't really matched with the rest any more). As the better pair they're now on the tweeters.

The big difference with running unmatched 250s is that one does left channel & the other the right.

What would I try? Run your existing system with one amp, then switch it over and try the other. If they sound pretty similar to each other - go for it. Worry about getting the other amp serviced & matched later on.

Your system is obviously different from your profile (e.g. SC, Prefix). Any other differences?

cheers, Martin