CDSii and Puck - An observation

Posted by: Derek Wright on 28 March 2002

I got a new puck for the CDSii - it made quite a difference to the sound - bass notes are firmer, disks that were skipping are skipping less
Definitely worth the effort to get one.

I suggest that if your CDSii is older than a year that you consider using a new puck

I have been rotating an tweaking the rubber rings as a matter of course on the original puck.
The magnetic pull on the new puck is noticeable stronger than on the old puck.

NB to Naim - you better increase your orders for CDSii pucks as I think that they are a consumable item.

As usual YMMV


[This message was edited by Derek Wright on THURSDAY 28 March 2002 at 16:28.]

Posted on: 28 March 2002 by Tim Jones
Derek -

You're right about new pucks sounding better. There has been much deliberation on both old and new forums about this, and about the fact that the pucks "wear" as they age, skipping on discs that didn't used to skip, etc, etc.

IIRC, the problem is that the (three?) little rubber rings are compressed over time by the pull of the magnet - especially if you leave the puck on when the player is not in use.

I have two pucks and swap one for the other every few weeks. As one is left off the player the rubber springs back to (more or less) its original shape - and the sound does perk up a bit.

Tim J

Posted on: 29 March 2002 by Derek Wright
Tim - appologies for digging up an old topic - but I had not seen comments on using a new puck before - I have been tweaking and rotating the rings for the last 15 months - the new puck does seem to have a stronger magentic attraction to the CD platform and hence giving a firmer clamping action

I will give the old puck a few weeks rest an then listen to it again.


Posted on: 30 March 2002 by J.N.
Keep yer puck (undercover) out of the machine and it stays sticky.

I've done this from new with a CDSII and a CD5. No problems at all.