Townsend Isolda Q. (For Kit and Anyone)

Posted by: Alex S. on 24 May 2002

Kit, anyone,

Are you still as keen on the Isolda as you were? I'm tempted, to borrow some at least. You were right about 8TC - steely mid and boomy bass - I was confusing more sound for more music. Its been binned.

The DNM's back. great VFM; can play the tune, very neutral as far as it goes. But Tony L. (the ultimate flat earth/expensive cables are crap exponent) thinks the Isolda can hold the tune too. I presume you agree. Also, I presume it bolts on lots of round earth stuff which you and I seem to enjoy, for our sins.

Posted on: 24 May 2002 by Tony L
Tony L. (the ultimate flat earth/expensive cables are crap exponent) thinks the Isolda can hold the tune too.

Disclaimer: I have never dem’d this cable against A5 myself, just reporting the findings of some friends who’s views I quite respect. I also made the comment over at pfm in the knowledge that Alex a) does not use a Naim amp , and b) is not a massive fan of A5.


Now feeling suitably disclaimed.
Posted on: 24 May 2002 by David Hobbs-Mallyon
Its been binned.

Alex, Hope that wasn't as expensive a mistake as that sounds.

Posted on: 24 May 2002 by Alex S.
Thanks for that Kit. I've asked for a 2.5m pair to try - if I don't like it (enough, relative to the excellent DNM) I can send it back.

David, Luckily that was Grahams's loan run so I just have to return it - unless you want to try it next - these things are very system dependent - I happen to be in TW early next week.

Posted on: 24 May 2002 by David Hobbs-Mallyon

Boomy bass doesn't sound too promising. I'll be in London during the day, but if you are still around in the evening then I'd be interested in a listen.
