Naim are still the best
Posted by: Arye_Gur on 21 February 2002
There are great argues about these issues.
As I started my affaires with Naim in the year 1992, and I was sure that it is the best system available in Israel, I didn’t go to listen to stereo systems since this year. I was happy with my system and with its ability to be upgraded without warring about cables, interconnects and so.
Because of my membership in the new forum, I started again to go to other members and listen to other systems.
I told you few month ago that I listened to a Crimson based system, I listened to a tube system based on reference audio amp and JMR speakers (a system that costs at least double than my Naim), I listened to a Sony, Caraver, Clipsh (I hope I write it well), there were two demonstrations with Meridian CD player, Sonus Faber speakers and amp, another one with a Brit. CD player (don’t remember its name), an amp from New Zealand and very expensive European Speakers (sorry again - I don’t remember the names).
The bottom line is – that still, no matter how expensive is the system I’d listened too, Naim are with no doubt the best in the music department.