Naim are still the best

Posted by: Arye_Gur on 21 February 2002

About a year ago I entered a great stereo forum in Israel. This forum, shares members with several different views about stereo equipment. Few engineers there are sure that there are no benefits with interconnects, speakers’ cables and the like.
There are great argues about these issues.

As I started my affaires with Naim in the year 1992, and I was sure that it is the best system available in Israel, I didn’t go to listen to stereo systems since this year. I was happy with my system and with its ability to be upgraded without warring about cables, interconnects and so.

Because of my membership in the new forum, I started again to go to other members and listen to other systems.

I told you few month ago that I listened to a Crimson based system, I listened to a tube system based on reference audio amp and JMR speakers (a system that costs at least double than my Naim), I listened to a Sony, Caraver, Clipsh (I hope I write it well), there were two demonstrations with Meridian CD player, Sonus Faber speakers and amp, another one with a Brit. CD player (don’t remember its name), an amp from New Zealand and very expensive European Speakers (sorry again - I don’t remember the names).

The bottom line is – that still, no matter how expensive is the system I’d listened too, Naim are with no doubt the best in the music department.
