Help! Onset of creeping upgraditis ...

Posted by: seagull on 12 July 2002

I have an LP12/Valhalla/Basik LVX.

Budget constraints mean I shall have to keep it like this for now, but having re-discovered my record collection I would like to improve it in the future (This was always in my plans but I never got round to doing it, I guess I was content with what I had even though I knew that it can be improved).

I have scoured the web and classifieds for s/h arms (e.g. Ittoks) but most seem to be attached to other LP12s (I wouldn't want to replace the arm myself anyway, so that would be an extra cost). My other half has now spent my original budget for this upgrade frown.

Would the best route be to sell my current TT and put the funds towards one with a better spec rather than trying to find replacement parts for my present TT? Figures in the ballpark of £450 - £500 are often mentioned on this Forum, but what sort of spec could you get for that? The ones I have found with a higher spec tend towards £1000 or higher. What is the price differential be between what I have (see above) and, say, LP12/Lingo/Ittok or LP12/Armageddon/Aro or similar?

I would then need to think about a new cartridge as well, MC are a lot more than MM which I've always used up to now, currently an aging K9 (I think).

I would then need to get the TT serviced and properly set up (if I keep my current set-up this is already in my plans for next year, subject to budget approval!) Can anyone provide a ballpark figure for this?

We then come to the unmentionable - please no recommendations, I am well aware of the current options thanks to the many threads on the subject. Given the funds, I would audition any/all of the usual suspects (yes, even the scale model oil rig, though that would definitely meet with major resistance from the boss). Low cost options (i.e. £0.00) would be to use my QS stand or resurrect my old Sound Org Table.

This would probably also lead to me wanting to improve my pre-amp (currently NAC42 with MM boards) to a 72 perhaps? (I have a recently refurbished 140 which isn't going anywhere) and I like the look of the half width boxes.

This would in turn lead to the search for power supplies (for the 72? and my CD5, or can the 42 be used with an external PS? As for exactly what PSU to use with which box I'm at a loss. Could someone put together a table showing what power supplies can be used with what boxes? Perhaps in order so that a clearer upgrade path can be seen (e.g. I've got a NACx2 amp with a *Cap, can I use the *Cap with a NACy2?)

It will also widen the gulf between my TT and CD player to the point where that may need upgrading as well! I am quite happy with my CD5 at the moment, it now allows me to fill in gaps in my music collection that I cannot get on vinyl but you know what its like when one source is much weaker than the other.

I can see where some of you are coming from when you have moved up the product line. I would hope that just an improvement in the TT would satisfy the urge, but I somehow doubt it.

This post has been checked for spelling and grammar though I did spot at least one split infinitive - I boldly left it in. smile
Posted on: 12 July 2002 by naimtheday
I don't know if this helps but I recently brought my 1987 LP12, Ittock with Troika out of enforced retirement and replaced the cartridge with a Dynothingimagig 20X moving magnet £299 plus a service etc and it sounds pretty damn good, IMHO better than I ever remember the Troika. It is detailed, bass is there but nicely controlled and I can't hear surface noise. Overall money well spent as I only wanted it back in use to hear some old stuff I don't have on CD. It got me back into the love of vinyl despite the aggro. I resisted the temtation to bring the LP12 to later spec so (dare I say it) is it needed?
I am now trying to spend more time listening to the MUSIC than the hardware smile smile smile
Posted on: 12 July 2002 by JeremyD
The problem is that it depends on too many unknowns. You might well be better off selling your existing LP12 but you can't count on it...

I think it's worth bearing in mind the following when considering selling your LP12:

1) If you buy a used one privately it can be difficult to verify its quality.

2) Linn has recently launched a new Lingo, which is supposed to be a significant improvement over the original. If so then a regular supply of used Lingos might keep their prices low. While a Basik limits your choice of cartridges, a Lingo makes a big difference to a Basik. I've had to edit this because I've realised it's a Basik rather than Basik Plus. An upgrade to Akito (if inexpensive enough) might be a worthwhile move at some point.

3) Your LP12 loves you. It's a well known fact that LP12s form a strong attachment to their owners. No doubt you will have noticed yours bouncing microscopically, whenever you enter the room, in anticipation of a chance to play some music?

Another thing to consider when thinking about arms is that if you don't have a Cirkus then this might be a significant upgrade: I prefer Cirkus/Akito/K9 to "Valhalla"/Ittok/K9.

Naim power supplies: the FlatCap 2, HiCap or Supercap can power the 32.5, 42.5, 72, 112, 102 and 82 (which can use two HiCaps). None of these needs a HiCap.
The 102's digital circuitry can be powered by a NAPSC - with or without a HiCap. The 82 comes with a NAPSC as standard, and cannot be used without one.

Further info on these threads:

Power supplies, philosphy, and diminishing returns

Power supplies questions

Re split infinitives: there are times in everyone's life when they have to stand up for what they believe in, no matter what the consequences. For me this is one of them: I am an inveterate infinitive-splitter or, as I prefer to say, user of "compound verbs." smile


[This message was edited by JeremyD on FRIDAY 12 July 2002 at 16:56.]