Should I upgrade?
Posted by: NB on 27 January 2002
I have had the equinox's for some time now and with the new Allae's on the scene am wondering if I should trade them in for the Ruarks?
What do you think?
What is wrong with my system? Well when I bought the Ruarks I was happy with the sound but now I feel the system lacks depth and insight into the music. Dont get me wrong the sound is very goos but when I hear other system I realise that my hifi is lacking something. The bass is good but the treble is lacking and the music sounds dull and lifeless.
I have my systemplaced on a Naim Fraim and no I dont have a seperate spur.I have asked an electician if a seperate spur can be installed but the construction of the house restricts this.
I have asked an electician if a seperate spur can be installed but the construction of the house restricts this.
With the kind of money you have invested in your system, and assuming you are a home owner, investing in a separate mains spur is the best upgrade you can make. If the electrican you called says that your house construction doesn't allow another spur, I can't understand what he's talking about. It takes the addition of separtate Circuit breaker box it shouldn't be impossible.
I have the dreaded plasterboard walls and floors in my house and that makes running cables to where my Hi-fi is impossible. I will be moving homes soon and it is one of the first things I will look at when I move in.
But you'd be as sicka s a parrot if you bought new speakers now and they sounded great only to sound less great in the new place.
Good advice re the spur I will do it when I have moved house.
I have heard the sbl's with my set up and I found them a little to forward for my liking. I was not convinced that my amp was up to the job of running the sbl's. I would only consider the sbl's if I upgraded the hi-cap and the 180. I think the Allea's would provide for a better balanced system.