Should I upgrade?

Posted by: NB on 27 January 2002

My current system is a cdx cd player, 180/hi-cap/180 ampand Ruark equinox speakers.

I have had the equinox's for some time now and with the new Allae's on the scene am wondering if I should trade them in for the Ruarks?

What do you think?


Posted on: 28 January 2002 by NB

What is wrong with my system? Well when I bought the Ruarks I was happy with the sound but now I feel the system lacks depth and insight into the music. Dont get me wrong the sound is very goos but when I hear other system I realise that my hifi is lacking something. The bass is good but the treble is lacking and the music sounds dull and lifeless.

I have my systemplaced on a Naim Fraim and no I dont have a seperate spur.I have asked an electician if a seperate spur can be installed but the construction of the house restricts this.


Posted on: 28 January 2002 by Dev B
How about second hand SBL's and a new XPS for the CDX.



Posted on: 28 January 2002 by Peter Stockwell
I have asked an electician if a seperate spur can be installed but the construction of the house restricts this.

With the kind of money you have invested in your system, and assuming you are a home owner, investing in a separate mains spur is the best upgrade you can make. If the electrican you called says that your house construction doesn't allow another spur, I can't understand what he's talking about. It takes the addition of separtate Circuit breaker box it shouldn't be impossible.


Posted on: 28 January 2002 by NB

I have the dreaded plasterboard walls and floors in my house and that makes running cables to where my Hi-fi is impossible. I will be moving homes soon and it is one of the first things I will look at when I move in.


Posted on: 28 January 2002 by Lo Fi Si
Plasterboard floors must be fun!!


Posted on: 28 January 2002 by NB
Plasterboard floors are bloody awefull!!! not fun especially when you have a turntable.
Posted on: 28 January 2002 by Sigmund
Have you thought of looking at a pair of s/h Quad ESL-63's? I recently bought a pair for $1500 US and I think they're *wonderful.* They match perfectly in every way with my Naim Nait 2. Everything anyone's ever said about the glories of Naim sound goes for these Quads. Imho, you definitely can't go wrong.
Posted on: 29 January 2002 by Mark Packer
whatever you do, change your speakers before you change house. Your new room will make an enormous difference to your system for good or ill. I suggest you move, install the mains spur and separate earthing (which makes a big difference) and then enjoy the stuff whilst you get used to the sound of your new room. Then, after a couple of months when you know what you want in that environment you can look for new speakers.

But you'd be as sicka s a parrot if you bought new speakers now and they sounded great only to sound less great in the new place.



Posted on: 29 January 2002 by NB

Good advice re the spur I will do it when I have moved house.

I have heard the sbl's with my set up and I found them a little to forward for my liking. I was not convinced that my amp was up to the job of running the sbl's. I would only consider the sbl's if I upgraded the hi-cap and the 180. I think the Allea's would provide for a better balanced system.