Shahinian Arc Angel

Posted by: Name on 05 March 2002

Just spent a great weekend with an one of the most fun speakers I heard in a long time; the infamous Arc.
They handle vocals, orchestral tracks like nobody's business.
The dome midrange can be heard occassionally but otherwise there great, the bass I must admit takes a bit to get used to.
I didn't believe it, but boy do they time well, the tweeter is superbly open.
If you haven't listen to them go for won't stop smiling unitl you have to pack them up to return back to the store.
And the really great thing is that I'm hopefully going to be able to source a pair second hand 5 years old so they have the latest metal dome mid range for about $4000 NZ which is about 1300 pounds; is life good or what!

Thanks Ebirah for all your comments!

Posted on: 07 March 2002 by Alex S.
I'm not here to bury Naim or Chord but. . .

I have heard Chords sounding good (unlike just about everyone else on this forum it seems) but I've heard them sounding transparent but ponderous and rather unmusical much more often.

Be that as it may, I also like the Naim 52 and 135s or 500 but since you mention 'similar money' I have to disagree with your DV comments. Leaving aside the fact that I bought my L100/HX1.2 for a total of £2800, let's just compare like for like:

An L100/HX75 would cost more than 1K less than 82/Hi-Cap/250. The L100/HX1.2 would cost about 800 quid less than 82/SC/250. The new L300 with an HX1.2 will cost about 600 quid less than 52/250. All this without being able to add 552, 135s or a NAP500 at anything like comparable price levels (only the mullet 82/HC/135s comes close). In my view this money is not similar enough. I'm not saying you're wrong but I've actually lived with most of these combinations for over a month and know what I'd choose, since I chose it.

We pays our money and takes our choice. . . and anyway I bought my pod thingies instead of Arcs so what the Hell do I know.


Posted on: 07 March 2002 by ebirah
I looked at this a couple of hours ago - 4 posts. Now Im home and its 35!

I gave NAME some friendly advice on my ARC experiences; you can certainly add me to the yeas rather than the nays (ARCS replaced SBLS in my system and 3 friends have bought pairs after hearing them chez moi). Incidentally P, I bought HiFiplus today solely because of Jasons review - Im getting nearer to an Obelisk dem I fear?

As to their looks, anyone see the disco documentary last night - Donna Summer and the guy with the lunchbox in the white leotard etc...this stuff is seriously hip and the Obelisks fit that genre like a glove! Theyd look great in an early 70s living room! If you want to know the definition of ugly, have a look at the new SBSs (SL2?) if you havent seen them yet...


Posted on: 07 March 2002 by Name
Thanks for your words of wisdom; I spoke to Shahinian today.....being 17 hours behind New Zealand can be a real pain in the butt to ring the yanks. He said the internal bracing changes occassionally dependent on the cabinet maker they use to make the speakers but commented they were not really sonic improvements. The new passive radiator which you are quite right about, is an improvement but he says if it ain't broke don't fix's better but not so much that you think GOD I need that yesterday!
The change to the new passive requires the existing radiator hole to be enlarged; which requires a little woodworking hence dealer job?
He even commented that the old french plastic midrange was actually very good; people seem to underestimate it just the neodynamium mid is better...the only reason they changed was they could no longer source them from france..
Happy listening...and foot and ALL( even if some of you do dislike arc's)
Posted on: 08 March 2002 by Rainer S
Do they match? I have got Ikemi/Kairn/Klout and am looking to replace my Keilidhs. I found the Kabers totally wrong for my musical taste (mainly classical, some Jazz, then the rest), since acoustic strings sound so unnatural. Haven't heard Espeks yet, but the 5140 sounded over-smooth/uninvolving compared to the Keilidhs (from a hifi perspective they are a major step forward, of course). Any other suggestions?
Posted on: 11 March 2002 by Goose
A bit late on this thread I think, but never the less there are some very different views as ever on this topic.
Most of you know that I am a Shahinain/DV user, and can see all sides of peoples arguments.

My views on this I could write about 17 million pages on this topic, but I wont!!
I think that the hifi industry and many people who are involved in it have been so brainwashed that anything that looks different or sounds different is initially 'wrong'. This of course is a natural human reaction, no one's opinions are 'correct', especially with such subjective subjects as music and hifi! I have seen people walk in to a room, set eyes on some Shahinians, remark negatively, with no music playing, and walk straight out!

Personally I have compared the DV amps to Naim/Linn /Krell etc etc and do admire their ability to sound so open and natural, the amps disappear, and don't sound like a big 'transparent amp', which for me is what I am looking for. Tonally I think they are great, and they have changed recently, abit more juice. I know what Frank Abela means when he says they are 'slow', I initially thought this when I was listening, I was listening for that lean fast bass, that makes you think it's fast, when it's not really particularly realsitic, it's just what you think you're supposed to hear :-). Then when you hear the DV midrange and sweet treble, you return to other amps and think twice!

Regarding the Obelisks, room situation /decor is a problem, as they excite parts of the room that other speakers don't reach. They do have to be run in too, not your 3 weeks job, but about 3 months. I have heard them sound crap, and amazing. The bass does seems a little squat at times, but overall they do not conform to the traditional hifi presentation, which I like.

IMO they do play each instrument as it sounds, no artificial glare that is interpreted as 'space' or 'natural decay' and there is no limit to the soundstage, like with a natural instrument.I appreciate SBL's/Dynaudios for what they do, but would never cricise them, as they are great at what they do, for my tastes, they just are not my cup of tea!
P said -----
"Still I suppose the fashion victims and those with a special interest in free hifi might rave about them."---
Mr P, go and do the research into acoustic properties that Dick Shahinian has done, read early papers by Stewart Hegemon and Kellog, from the early 30's etc, then say again that they are fashion victims. He has devoted his life to musical reproduction, and his designs stretch back to the 1970's, which for a lot of people are still better than ones today.

Just an intersting point though, of the dealers who do stock DV / Shahinian systems, then many of them use them at home, which IMO says alot!

Variety is the spice of life, and so is an open mind!
