NAC62 for only 143,- UKP (do or don't)

Posted by: Alco on 12 August 2002

Hi folks,

While surfing on the internet today I came across a Dutch Naim dealers site. Now, in their 'occasions corner' they had a s/h NAC62 for only 226,- euro/143,- UKP.
I dont know if it's an old-style or a new-style one, but it seemed like a fair price to me.
(my regular flatearth kinda dealer is also offering a s/h Nac62 but for twice that price! and a NAC72 for 405,- UKP)

Still, I have a few questions to y'all:

- Is the NAC62 any good ? I mean, does it come close to the Nac72 ?
- (imho important)Does it have a better volumepot then my Nait-2 (still a pain in the a.. to me)
(I won't sell my Nait-2 for it! If I decide to buy a s/h 62 (or whatever pre-power combo) I'll keep my beloved Nait as a spare)

btw: I wasn't really considering buying a (s/h) pre-power combo, but a Nac62 for this kinda money seemed very tempting. (even though I don't have a decent NAP??? yet, but I'm not in a hurry since I still have my Nait-2)

(btw: If I would buy it, I'd have to order it withoud seeing/hearing it first, since this dealer is too far away to visit!

whatta ya guys think....
a do it or a don't roll eyes

Alco cool
Posted on: 12 August 2002 by Guido
pop up every now and then.

I bought a s/h 62/snaps/110 for 700 EUR a couple of weeks ago, last week a friend of mine bought a 42.5/110 for 310 UKP via ebay, last year I managed to get a 62/snaps/90 for EUR 400 - looking on prices this type of gear gets on ebay, loot or a 62 sells between 200 and 250 EUR here in europe, depending on style.

Im quite happy with my 62/snaps/110, I downgraded for economical reasons from 102/psc/hi/180 and the sound is a bi less refined/defined and a little smoother to my ears (complex arrangements like they are for example on the latest CD from "2 many DJ's" - "as heard on radio soulwax pt.2" sound a bit muddy) but at its price it is a hell of a pre.
There were a couple of threads dealing with 42.5/62/72 comparisons in the last couple of days here - have a look around.
I think 220 EUR are a good price but not a no brainer, at that rate you will (with a little research) always get one and: it has only 4 inputs, including phono. Alright for me, and if I remember right CD was your only source, was it?
Is it still CDX, nait, kans?
Posted on: 12 August 2002 by Alco
Is it still CDX, nait, kans?

Yup Guido, it's still CDX,Nait,Kans for me.
(see pic)
i had the chance to homedemo the new highly praised Cyrus 7 integrated. Not bad, but not a thread to my old Nait-2.
Which to me is even more a compliment to the old Nait that is can still beat a brandnew, highly praised, best Cyrus integrated yet!
(which costs even a few tenners more than a Nait-5)

So, the 225,- Euro price is not that exceptional.
well, I'll wait till the dealer responds to my mail regarding age,serial nr,etc.

Alco smile
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Edo Engel
So, the 225,- Euro price is not that exceptional.
well, I'll wait till the dealer responds to my mail regarding age,serial nr,etc.


I contacted Snijders as well, and it's a new style 62. They offer a FlatCap for E400 as well, but you'll be better off with the one Art in Sound in Rhoden offers for E 200.


Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Alco
Hi Edo,

What a coincidence.
I know art in Sound in Roden very well. I got my CDX from 'em. They always have very nice prices for s/h stuff.

Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Edo Engel
What a coincidence.
I know art in Sound in Roden very well. I got my CDX from 'em. They always have very nice prices for s/h stuff.

They don't seem to advertise their s/h stuff on their website. Also, it never seems to get mentioned on Phonologic's site. Do they always offer their s/h material through


Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Alco

Their own website is a total waste.
Normally they don't have s/h offers that often, but when they do.... They have a whole bunch and some for really low prices!
