Can a SNAPS power a 42.5?

Posted by: i am simon 2 on 25 July 2002

If so where can I get one, and for how much?

I fancy this upgrade if it is possible, as I have never had a seperat powersuply on the 42.5.

p.s i dont realy want to spend hundreds of punds on a highcap
Posted on: 25 July 2002 by Mike Hanson
If it's an original SNAPS, then it has only one power rail. Therefore, your 42.5 would need the same shorting plug in the 5-pin socket that it uses with your power amp now. It would be an improvement, though (although you might have to get it recapped if it's really old).

If the SNAPS is actually a SNAPS2, then it can be converted (or may have already been done) to supply two rails of power. In that case, it goes into the 5-pin socket on your 42.5, just like a Hi-Cap would.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-