best turntable for a grand?

Posted by: bornwina on 12 August 2002

Astonishingly my misses the other day suggested we invest in a new turntable as the cover on my old systemdeck looked too 'shabby' for our trendy new minimalist look in the lounge.

Therefore, do I go for one of Pro-ject's better offerings or maybe a secondhand Gyro or WB Full Circle to front my 82/250/SBL's?

Getting back to back home demo's in North Hampshire appears to be a problem also. Any suggestions on dealers who stock some of the aforementioned?
Posted on: 12 August 2002 by Andrew Randle
The P25 is a very nice looking deck, particularly with the light-wood plinth (which is interchangable). Very minimalist. The shiny RB600 is also nice.

As you are prepared to go 2nd-hand, then a well-specced LP12 would be ideal.


Andrew Randle
Tip 1: Change your mains plug fuses at least once a year
Posted on: 12 August 2002 by Alco
hmmm, a grand oughtta get ya a fine TT,imo.
(s/h or new)

Well, if looks matter, I must confess I really like the minimalist looks of the new Project RPM6

but as you're living in the UK it would be fairly easy to pick up a s/h LP12, which imho still lookes fabulous (in cherry or another lighwood veneer)

Posted on: 12 August 2002 by Peter Stockwell
Originally posted by bornwina:
too 'shabby' for our trendy new minimalist look in the lounge.

Clearaudio Champion, or the Solution if the budget will stretch. Be careful with the minimilist look, you might find your system sounding crap because of all the hard reflective surfaces.

Posted on: 12 August 2002 by Rico
best turntable for a grand would have to be two LP12's.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Frank Abela
If looking for brand new stuff, a Gyro SE with a Dynavector 10x4 will come in under a grand. That includes the RB300, if memory serves.

That said, if the look of the LP12 is for you, then you could get a decent 5 - 8 year old for around £600 including an arm.

The Rega Planar25 with a half-decent cartridge is a cracking deck - suggest an Ortofon MC25FL, Dynavector 10x4 or 17D2 if the budget will stretch. Minimalist, but softened by the wood surround - very nice in my view.

Looks are as much a problem as sound when it comes to taste.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by belsizepark
no idea of the price.. but the coolest looking record player i have ecer seen was the Mitchell Gyrodec.. no idea of price nad havent done a comparison... but it sounded mighty fine to me..


Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Bosh
"Most women hate the sight of them (LP12s) , not regarded as a "trendy" looking deck"

Not if you put a shiny new maple plinth on it
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Jonathan Gorse
I use a Gyro RB600 and Dynavector DV17D2 with a Gyropower supply which you can buy later as funds allow.

Great sounding deck, fabulous looks, superb engineering, stunning dynamics.

Your best bet would be to listen to as many alternatives as possible as turntables of this calibre have differing presentations.

Posted on: 13 August 2002 by bornwina
cheers chaps - demo arranged for Project RPM9 and Perspective this Saturday - not through Naim quipment unfortunately although the dealer (Phase 2, Southampton) will have it back if dissatisfied at home.

Wood is out (no LP12's, Rega's) but I might have a listen to a Wilson Benesch Full Circle or Gyro if following the demo I think there's any point.