Naim 552 details question

Posted by: hifidaddy on 10 August 2002

the news says: "The circuit topology was totally
reviewed ..." and also split power rails have been mentioned.

Now my question: did Naim change the topology, e.g. to differential input stages or even symmetrical input stages ?

Posted on: 12 August 2002 by M. Brandstetter
Hi Hartmut how do you do?
Hopefully you and the family are all well?

I think that there is no chance of symetirization here.Hence the "old" interconnects are used, where
from the current layout no symetric signal is
deliverd to the preamp.

Afterwards there would be the possibiltiy to symmetrize the signal, but i think this would lead to much more spiders on the board ;-)

Nevertheless, it works with an unsymetrized signal
in the output, so i see realy no reason to
symetrize the signal inbetween.

Here i think that the 552 works in poor class a, this would also explain the high current it needs for standby.
