Expensive mistake...

Posted by: Colin Lorenson on 09 October 2002

Working at home recovering from a hernia operation and as I live just round the corner from the Naim dealer I though it might be good to get a CDS2 over for listen - rest of system CDi / 52 / 135's and B&W 802N.

I had previously had the CDX/XPS over and whilst this was clearly better it wasn't a "must have".

Plugged in the CDS2, switch on, play CD, gobsmacked!! This thing is head and shoulders over a CDX/XPS - more jump, detail, PRaT, vitality, MUSIC.. Ahmad Jamal sounds like be beating the hell out a real piano.
Oh dear. Need to raid piggy bank and/or auction off the kids. Anybody want to buy a CDi?

Anybody know whether the CDS3 is planned to be CD only, or a hybrid CD/SACD or DVD player? That's about the only consideration to consider on whether to invest now or later.

Colin Lorenson

[This message was edited by Colin Lorenson on WEDNESDAY 09 October 2002 at 13:11.]
Posted on: 09 October 2002 by David Ng
Colin, you make me want to upgrade my CDX to the CDSII.

Posted on: 09 October 2002 by Frank Abela
The CDS3 is a standard red book cd player. No SACD or DVD-A.

Of course, it looks the mutt's nuts in the new livery and with the centrally mounted drawer. Then again, it would have a different look to the rest of your kit!

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.
Posted on: 09 October 2002 by Colin Lorenson

Don't really care about the cosmetic aspects. Any indications as to how much a CDS3 will cost.

Colin Lorenson
Posted on: 09 October 2002 by Dev B
Working at home recovering from a hernia operation

Colin, nice to hear from you and hope you are well.

Plugged in the CDS2, switch on, play CD, gobsmacked!!

You always knew living opposite a very good hifi dealer is a dangerous thing smile

regards, Dev
Posted on: 09 October 2002 by Colin Lorenson

Good to hear from you again. Saw your post on the Water Lily records recently. Knowing my liking for the Shakti thing which 2 CD's out of the listing do you suggest I order, and where did you get your discs from.

Still in the smoke or are you coming back up North?
