naim-bashing (?)

Posted by: Uwe Supper on 16 August 2001

Hi guys,
have you ever tried to mention 'naim' on another (general) hifi-forum? What where the reactions? I happened to do so on a German-speaking hifi-forum and got slandered. 'Too expensive, boring sound, old-fashioned conncections, ...'. When I tried to explain that MY ears had preferred the naim sound to most other competitors, I was told that I should learn how to listen correctly - in a very direct language!
Thank God manners are usually of a higher level on this forum.
Posted on: 17 August 2001 by Uwe Supper
you should have read the responses when I mentioned that I use Shahinian - according to some these seem be to be the worst speakers on this planet. On the said forum some techies who seem to measure EVERYTHING just don't accept electronics/speakers/etc. which don't fulfill some weird standards. Theyn also claim that all players sound the same, hence no need to spend more than 300 pounds on a player. Quite amusing.
Posted on: 17 August 2001 by Thomas K

Can you post a link (I need a laugh)?


Posted on: 17 August 2001 by Rico
Hi Uwe, nice to hear from you! It seems we do measure up for politeness here after all!

I vote that Mr Jason Hector should win (hifi) pun of the week snappy for:

Naim and Linn have a mission
. Nice one!

Rico - Save the Kans!

Posted on: 18 August 2001 by NigelP
You really should point us all to this one. The discussion going on with "New members on the forum" sounds like a walk in the park compared to this.


Posted on: 18 August 2001 by ebirah
...where's the link? I'm evangelical about Shahinians since they ousted my SBLs. I want to jump in!


Posted on: 18 August 2001 by Thomas K
Nigel, Ebirah,

die Frage ist, werdet ihr's verstehen?


Posted on: 18 August 2001 by Andrew Randle
Ja big grin


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 18 August 2001 by Alco
Na klar werden wir's verstehen, Thomas.

Ich meine,so schwierig kan's doch nicht sein,nah big grin

Ich bin sehr neugierig wie es bei euch zu geht auf einer HiFi-forum.

Nah,wie war das,fur einen beginner im Deutscher sprache ? roll eyes smile

Und ab geht die post

Sorry, guys. just had to do it.
btw: there's also a forum in Holland,where I can be found sometimes. It's called

But it's full of round-earth folks though.
(as expected ofcourse)
This week I got a 'tip' from a Dutch forum-buddie to move my Kan's into the room,cause he thought the were way to close to the back wall... eek

well, I can't blame him,since most speakers do perform best in free space.


Posted on: 19 August 2001 by Uwe Supper
Here we are:
if you want a good laugh, try (forum, Erfahrungen). Remarks about naim don't stem necessarily from the last two months, what I was saying in my first post covers the last year or so (I am not sure you can go back this far on the said forum, in any case I don't post nor read any more).
Have fun