Silly question for the Naim forum, but...

Posted by: Top Cat on 08 May 2002

Hi folks.

Have: DNM 3B Start, Crimson 640D monoblocks.
Want: to build on this*

Anyone heard the DNM 3D series yet, or know the differences between the 3C Primus, Twin and Six preamps to be able to comment?

I'm considering the upgrade as I'll get a full allowance of the purchase price of 3B preamp against the new preamp, but wondered:

Would a 3D Twin with PA3 power amp sound better than the 3D Six with my current power amps.

Jason Hector, you haven't heard any prototypes yet have you?

TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."

* PS. No 52/SC or 552 recommendations please, fine though they are... wink
Posted on: 08 May 2002 by aybee
Has anyone apart from the Morecrofts heard a 3D?

I have no idea, I'm still waiting for my PA1 to arrive.... any day now (I hope!).

Hmm I wonder if a 3B is a worthwhile upgrade from a 3start?
Posted on: 08 May 2002 by Andrew Randle
Want: to build on this*

Source first! Find a CD source that will complement the DNM kit as near as possible. Of course the Resolution Audio Opus will be a good possibility. You may find Audionote an interesting choice.


Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Posted on: 08 May 2002 by Andrew Randle
Hmm I wonder if a 3B is a worthwhile upgrade from a 3start?

Isn't the 3start derived from circuit boards re-used from 3B amps that have been part-exchanged for 3C products?


Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Posted on: 08 May 2002 by aybee
Originally posted by Andrew Randle:
Isn't the 3start derived from circuit boards re-used from 3B amps that have been part-exchanged for 3C products?

Something like that! I don't think you can upgrade a 3start to a 3c/d by simply swapping cards though.
Posted on: 08 May 2002 by Andrew Randle
Well certainly your boards will be derived from pre-owned 3B products (owners upgraded to 3C).

I'm not sure on whether it is possible to simply upgraded to 3start to a 3C by simply swapping the cards. You can probably get a good trade-in for it if you upgrade through your dealer.


Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Posted on: 09 May 2002 by Top Cat
Has anyone apart from the Morecrofts heard a 3D?

Don't know. I'm desperate to hear one, I'm thinking about 3B STart to 3D Twin or Six, and the big question for me is of course "would the extra sophistication of the Six be wasted on anything but a PA3^S power amp"?

I have no idea, I'm still waiting for my PA1 to arrive.... any day now (I hope!).

How long have you waited? They are very slow, of that there is no argument. I suppose since they are a fairly small firm maybe there isn't the automation to rush these things but they still seem to be pretty laid back about it. It's worth it in the end, though, eh?

Hmm I wonder if a 3B is a worthwhile upgrade from a 3start?

With the 3D series, I think they will probably introduce a 3C Start, so if I were you I'd go straight for that or save a bit for a 3D Primus.

I've no idea of the final prices, but my guess is: £2300 for 3D Primus (inc. Primus PSU), £3500 for 3D Twin (inc. Twin PSU) and £5500 for 3D Six (inc. Six PSU). Complete guesses, you understand, but seeing as the Morecrofts are being decidedly tight lipped about such things (according to my dealer) we can only guess.

I'm hoping for either twin volume pots with much less gain on them (at the moment I can't get past 2.5 out of 13 - why 13? Always wondered) and/or a remote control (but Denis M. claims that they haven't found a suitable mechanism which doesn't degrade the sound).

Andrew wrote:
Source first! Find a CD source that will complement the DNM kit as near as possible. Of course the Resolution Audio Opus will be a good possibility. You may find Audionote an interesting choice.

...yes, all in the fullness of time. Thing is, vinyl is my main source and although a new cd player is the next upgrade, a preamp upgrade would help the vinyl as well, and more importantly I have a feeling that the full-allowance upgrade to the 3D series from the 3B Start is time limited, so I may have to break the rules to take advantage of this.

I'm not sure on whether it is possible to simply upgraded to 3start to a 3C by simply swapping the cards. You can probably get a good trade-in for it if you upgrade through your dealer.

No, although the 3 and 3A series can use the more expensive Twin and Six PSUs, the 3Bs and above must use PSUs from their own series. A 3B Six can be converted to a 3C Six by replacing the boards and exchanging the PSUs. They don't allow you to do this with a Start; trade-in (very very generous I might add) is the only way, although I have a feeling it's time limited but will have to check.

Quick important question

Would you find a forum dedicated to products in the DNM/Reson/Resolution Audio/etc. vein useful? Due to the much smaller customer base of DNM over (say) Naim, I have always found it VERY difficult to find out answers to my DNM questions (such as "what does that toggle switch on the inside of the 3B Start actually do?") - and moreover, there's next to bugger all on the internet to help (apart from DNM's own spartan website).

Let me know if this would be of interest to you - I would be prepared to set one up as I have some spare dedicated server space (200Gb, so there's tons of room) and I think there might just be enough of us lurking to make it viable. Let me know if you'd visit such a forum, and what flavour (e.g. manufacturers, philosophy, etc.) it should follow.

The obvious choice would be 'The Non Ferrous Weenieboys Forum', just to preempt Vuk wink

TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."
Posted on: 09 May 2002 by aybee
Originally posted by Top Cat:

How long have you waited? They are very slow, of that there is no argument. I suppose since they are a fairly small firm maybe there isn't the automation to rush these things but they still seem to be pretty laid back about it. It's worth it in the end, though, eh?

My old 2a twin has been with them for a repair for a couple of months now. The PA1 has been delayed while Martin M has been on holiday - apparently in the hands of the Royal Mail so who knows...

A non-ferrous forum sounds like a great idea, although I doubt there are enough interested parties to keep it alive. Worth the experiment perhaps!
Posted on: 09 May 2002 by Phil Barry
Top Cat,

You're very right - silly question for the Naim forum..., especially since you know your tastes are different from those of the mainstream here.

Nothing wrong with being different, but asking for advice from people with such different taste (compared to yours) doesn't seem likely to produce anything useful.

Or are you trolling?

Posted on: 10 May 2002 by Top Cat
you know your tastes are different from those of the mainstream here.

No troll present!

Not necessarily; we're all after the best music in our living rooms, so the end goal is more or less the same, it's just the path we've chosen to take might be a little different.

Sure, the bias here is obviously Naim (and rightfully so!) but that's not to say that there isn't a lot of crossover between the fundamentals which apply to Naim and which also apply to other FE manufacturers, such as my own DNM, Dynavector (growing in popularity), etc. etc.

TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."
Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Phil Barry
Hey, TC,

I think I was reacting to my impression that you have asked for advice on this forum and rejected it. That's your prerogative, but it bugged me.

I don't know how you use this forum. It can't be for advice on equipment, since you've tried and rejected the stuff this forum loves best, but I get a sense of you thinking some (many? most?) of us are idiots for staying with Naim. (Of course, that could simply be because emotion is so hard to document in 'e-mail'.)

My son and I have widely divergent musical tastes, with only slight overlap. He has a hard time understanding my response to Beethoven, and I don't understand Coltrane. We can't recommend records to each other with any surety of recommending something the other will like because our tastes are so different.

I think that sort of difference separates you and the mainstream of the Naim forum. If my standard is the CDS/52, I'll hear everything compared to the CDS/LP12/52. You don't 'get' that stuff, just as I don't 'get' the ClearAudio/DNM/Chord combo.

So why do you keep asking the questions you do? What do you get from the answers? Or are you just hoping that you'll find a response that's useful to you, after you discard all the '52, 552' answers?

No hard feeligs here, juts wanting to understand.

Posted on: 13 May 2002 by Top Cat
why do you keep asking the questions you do? What do you get from the answers? Or are you just hoping that you'll find a response that's useful to you, after you discard all the '52, 552' answers?

Oh, don't get me wrong, Phil, I do find a lot of value in the postings here - much of what is written is of a fairly generic nature and can be of benefit to any hifi - advice on supports, mains, room tuning, etc. - and whilst it's clear that my preferred gear and Naim aren't following exactly the same path, the general objective is much the same - rhythmically involving, dynamic and musically alive sound - so we are allies in the quest for musical nirvana, rather than on opposing sides.

More importantly, I do own Naim in my second system, and there is therefore common ground and a forum like this is generally inclusive rather than exclusive. It's also the best of its breed (understandable Naim bias aside) and the general level of advice is useful and informative.

What do you get out of it?

TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."