Stupid question probably but.........

Posted by: Robby on 06 February 2002

The new Naim 5 series has a different sound to the the older equipment i am sure everyone would agree.

Basically I want to know whether I can get into the Naim sound on the cheap.

What provides this different sound?

The Pre-amp or the Power Amp.

What would I lose/gain by buying say a NAC112 pre-amp (new) and using it with a NAP140 power amp (second-hand).

Indeed can these two items be used together?

Your comments would be appreciated!


Posted on: 06 February 2002 by garyi
In general the best way to 'get into naim' is to purchase second hand to start with, most of my kit was done that way and naim stuff is built like a brick shit house so it won't let you down.

You don't say what you are using at the moment so I can't comment on what sort of an upgrade say a 92/90/flatcap in the slim line series would be. However this is a cracking combination and if you look carefully on loot etc they come up for around £450 a vertable bargin for kit which is no older than 10 years.

Posted on: 06 February 2002 by Mike Sae
Is there any reason why you haven't considered the Nait5?

What's the rest of your system?