What To look for....

Posted by: Roland Huu on 26 September 2001

Currently have the following setup and looking at adding a supercap to replace the FC powering the 112.


Have searched the archive but still have the following questions
1. Silly question really. Is the SuperCap an overkill for the 112?

2. Is there anything I should look out for if the supercap is a second hand unit?


Posted on: 26 September 2001 by Mike Hanson
The Super-Cap isn't overkill, as you'll certainly hear a vast improvement. It's also a good step towards a 52, if you feel so inclined.

Super-Caps are all fairly "new" right now, so it shouldn't even need servicing. Watch out if it's been modified, although I've never heard of anyone doing this.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 26 September 2001 by Phil Barry
I have seen a few 'supercaps' for sale with serial numbers predating the reported first manufacture of the s'cap. When I queried the sellers, they have not responded. The boxes may have been upgraded 52PS's, of course.

I would suspect that the s'cap will massively improve the sound of the 112, but I think this may be an anti-mullet/reverse-mullet system.

Similar expense plus some sales effort would probably get you a 72/hi/250 or an 82/hi or 82/2 x hi. Any of these systems may be more satisfying than a 112/s'cap. Can you get a demonstration?

The s'cap makes better sense if you're aiming at an 82 or 52, of course.
