Have I become a nerd?
Posted by: erik scothron on 27 April 2006
There I was sitting in Borders and feeling totally normal when I was overcome by a strange desire to read a chess book. This example of white to move and mate in three moves had me laughing out loud. Surely only a nerd would find such a thing amusing? Winning at top level international chess in only 11 moves - not unique maybe but hardly common and I was very surprised by the dazzling finish.
The realisation I might have become a nerd has worried me so much that after lunch at my local nosherie I felt obliged to tip the attractive waitress a most generous 50p and smack her arse for her. Thus proving I have returned to normality.
The first to find the solution wins …er…great glory and much renown in the forum.
White to move and mate in three.