American Elas

Posted by: Mike Sae on 08 April 2002

Meadowlark has a new speaker in the cards that evokes memories of the much lamented Rega ElaI/II; they even have fancy bottom brakcets for the spikes.

Has anyone tried Meadowlark TLs avec Naim? They certainly look the biz. Much nicer than these idiot boxes:

Posted on: 08 April 2002 by Mike Sae
Posted on: 09 April 2002 by Rico
what the hell are those? High-heat low resistance electric radiators doubling as stands? Surely not Sonus Fabers? God, don't let James Jong see them - they'll inspire his next speaker creation for sure! eek

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

PS - Mike, I reckon you gain 25 REP's just for knowing where to find such images! big grin

Posted on: 10 April 2002 by dvdkeogh

So you've been reading Enjoy the Music as well?

I say this because they have recently published a review of the Meadowlark Blue Heronin which they praise their attack; or alternatively their recently published 2 part profile of the company... ETM also have a speaker lust page with you second posting included...

Anyway, before reading that Meadowlark review I had generally considered Meadowlark boring Yank boxes of little distinction - and ugly to boot! However, Meadowlark seem an interesting company, and I like the fact they seem to be going about things with a coherent sense of direction. Now this doesn't guarantee sound quality, but they seem an impressive company nevertheless. As for the ugliness factor, maybe the new model will rectify that? I think also that the ugliness can be mitigated through using one of their interesting premium veneers... I love their quilted Maple.

I think Meadowlark are/were distributed in the UK by Sounds Of Music's spin-off Zentec/Metropolis, but can't be sure. However I also would be interested to hear from (US?) contributors who've heard any Meadowlarks.

For now, cheerio


Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Dr. Exotica
what the hell are those? High-heat low resistance electric radiators doubling as stands? Surely not Sonus Fabers? God, don't let James Jong see them - they'll inspire his next speaker creation for sure! eek

Rico - these things are actually beard trimmers and stand all of 6" tall. What appear to be drivers are actually the on/off switches, and the orafice on the back side is the recharger jack. Those folks at Norelco are quite clever.


Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Rico
these things are actually beard trimmers

Oh man - Al Borland never had it so good!

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio