Playing with a 250

Posted by: Jonathan Gorse on 17 February 2002

Borrowed a 250 for the weekend from a local dealer with a view to replacing my existing 180 in CDI/102/HICAP/NAPSC/SBL.

Initial impressions are favourable with more detail and a better balance between bass and treble ie more bass and a bit less treble harshness which has been the major complaint with my system since adding SBL's.

I'm also considering re-setting up the SBL's possibly with the wadding in the bass chamber pressed down a bit more to give a larger area of free space to load the bass driver. From memory I think Naim say 7-10cm from the top of the lower cabinet. Will it make a difference if I go for 10cm?

Has anyone experimented with wadding height - could this be the variable which leads some to conclude SBL's have too little bass where others proclaim they have superb bass power.

Interested in views.


Posted on: 17 February 2002 by Ade Archer
I asked this question ages ago and didn't get an answer, but I was very interested to know what effect the height of the wadding had on the sound. It's obviously impractical to experiment, but when I resealed mine recently I made sure they were 100mm below the top, assuming this would give the best lower frequency response, and they do seem to be producing low notes without any problems, with a nice full sound.


Posted on: 17 February 2002 by Jonathan Gorse

Thanks fo the comments - looks like nobody here has a view on this! Do you feel that yours sound 'different' with the wadding 10cm down or were they fine before you resealed them?

