Is Royd still there?

Posted by: Andrew Randle on 10 May 2001

I just tried to check the Royd website and forum. The Royd website just re-directs to the Exposure site. The Royd forum is not listed (!).

Does this mean the worst for the company has happened? A sudden change of Royd's line-up has resonances of what happened to Ion Systems during their last days.


Maybe all is well and are making updates while having to take the site off-line.


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 10 May 2001 by mykel

I just figured they were doing an update. The old line was still on the site a week or so ago.

Have been wanting to check out the new line for awhile now as well. Hope things are back up again soon with the updates.


Posted on: 10 May 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
I hope the site is just being updated with the new speaker range.

The new range hasn't appeared in the shops yet, and the old range has all but sold out.

I have it on good authority that Royd were going to close, until recently. Not for financial reasons, but more to do with a certain Mr Ackroyd being well past retirement age. This is I believe the reason for the current lack of product availability, since production was winding down.

I hope it's just a lull before the new range becomes available, as I'm very interested in the new speakers, having heard my brothers recent acquisition of a pair of doublets.


Andrew L. Weekes

Posted on: 10 May 2001 by John C
I suspect that as Neat accoustics seem to have quite a high profile with Trinity audio who host that site that there will soon be a Neat not Royd forum. I asked this question in a dealers this week and apparently they are having some difficulty with the cabinet manufacturers or suppliers.


Posted on: 11 May 2001 by Mike Hanson
The Royd webmaster was Tom Rhuele. Tom has been the Canadian distributor for quite some time, but I believe he's recently moved the Germany.

I'm not sure if he will still be involved with Royd, but the disappearance of the site might indicate that he will not.

Then again, it might be merely a glitch in one of the HTML pages.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 11 May 2001 by Mike Hanson
We've had the place for 12 days now, and we're still half-way between the apartment and house. (I'm glad we decided to take the entire month of May to move.) The stereo is still at the apartment, but it might make the move this weekend.

It's currently sitting in a big oak cabinet, but it's going to be on a combination of Mana and Vuk-style X-Caliber racks in the new place. I've got a friend coming by on Saturday with another two Sound Stages and his Spirit Level, so I might get started on it then.

I'll have the CDX on a Phase 4 table (two S/Stages, S/Table, S/Frame). The 82 will sit beneath the CDX on a Power Supply table within the Sound Table (Phase 3).

The rest of it (Tuner, Super-Cap, 250) will be on the X-Caliber (for now), although I haven't had a chance to cut the aluminum rods into four pieces. I'm not sure whether it will be stable enough for my new Planar 3. I've also got a spare Sound Frame to throw into the mix (probably under the TT). I'll likely be replacing it with a Mana rack in a couple of months, at which time I'll pass the X-Caliber on to a destitute stereo buddy of mine.

I'm quite excited about the whole thing. I've heard a couple of friends' Mana setups, and was duly impressed. I've also tried a single Sound Frame under my Cambridge CD6 at work, and was quite surprised at the benefit of a single level of Mana.

I'm still a bit concerned about the room. It's fairly small (12'x9'), although double French Doors open out behind me. Currently there are no carpet or wall treatments, and there will be only the speakers, a CD storage shelf, and a single wingback chair in the main part of the room. I'll try adding some rugs, or perhaps I'll build some DIY tube trabs to tame the reverberation. I can also replace the blinds in the bay window with curtains. (The window is behind the speakers, starting half way up the wall.) I don't know yet whether bass will be a problem.

Ultimately, I won't know what's required for sure until I position everything in the listening room and ajoined dining room. Then tweaking will commence. I'm also researching the dedicated spur, although running the cable is going to be a PITA.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-