I've been very happy with my system since last August, when I added a Karma to mu LP12/ARO/82/hi/hi/250 - so happy, in fact, that I was listening exclusively to LP until very recently.
I'm unhappy with CDs. What I don't like is what I hear as congestion and distortion during loud complex passages (As in the Beecham Symphonie Fanatstique, Maclerras-Schubert-Symphony 9, etc.)
Any thoughts on whether this is a case for Mana, for an upsampler, or for a new CD player?
Frankly, I don't think it matters what CD player I have, but for the record it's a Sony X77ESD, top of the line in 1992.
Regards and TIA.
Posted on: 07 May 2001 by David Dever
Nine years is a long time in the world of Compact Disc, whether from the content-generation side (mastering, A-D, etc.) or from the playback side (D-A, digital filter chips, etc.).
How old are your discs in question? (Even these may leave room for improvement, above and beyond the source component.)
Dave Dever, NANA
Posted on: 08 May 2001 by Phil Barry
Great. I go to a forum populated by Brits, and I get a response from someone whose office is ten minutes from my home.
Saturday I listened to the Rega Jupiter, a $3500 Burmeister, a Sony SCD X777ES, a Myryad MCD600, and a $3500 Proceed. Only the Burmeister (Burmester) & Proceed seemed to clean up the sound. The Sony was very involving, however. Very.
My Sony still sounds pretty good, except in the loud complex parts.
But your bring up a good point - if the problem is in the disks, no equipment change will make it better.
Posted on: 08 May 2001 by bob atherton
I am interested to see what conclusions you come to. I have an 8 year old Roksan 3 box player. I got this because at the time it gave me the closest sound to my LP12 that I could find.
A few months back i tried a CDX thinking that it would be a significant improvement over the Roksan. I was sadly proved wrong. Although
in some areas it was better IMO the overall presentation was no better.
I have 2 friends that use the CD5. This to me is a nice balanced player, but does not set the world alight. The only one I've heard that does what I like is the CDSII. Even this player I don't believe would be as ultimately satisfying as the LP12.
I find listening to CD more of a cerebral experience rather that emotional. I am always interested in what CD player vinyl junkies go for. Keep us posted.