Stallion, and others interested in my Mana versus Qs verdict...

Posted by: Steve Toy on 20 September 2001

I have made quite a lengthy posting on the Mana Forum which I don't wish to copy here, so I shall provide the link.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

[This message was edited by Steven Toy on FRIDAY 21 September 2001 at 05:41.]

Posted on: 20 September 2001 by Steve Toy
...Except that I have told no lies...
I could have, and that would have kept you happy, methinks wink
As for Mr. Bush's speech, that one was clearly written for the 92 IQ half-wit!
It's a good job he may possibly have a reasonably good *administration* supporting what is nothing more than a puppet. I think British citizens should get a vote, given that we really are their 51st state, although Al Bore is certainly no better.
Personally,I thought Clinton, for all his moral failings was a real statesman.
Are we going to be censored here?
If so, I give up! frown
As for Tony, I have expressed my apologies, and he has accepted. I think he understands! wink
No honour lost there, I hope.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

[This message was edited by Steven Toy on FRIDAY 21 September 2001 at 06:18.]

Posted on: 21 September 2001 by ken c
i have read your mana forum posting. i am not sure i fully understand why you eventually chose QS Ref after the dem. everything you said seemed to favour mana. apologies for being nosy, perhaps i wasnt supposed to know.



Posted on: 21 September 2001 by Steve Toy
You see, I am really very silly, as all my friends at Mana will confirm. I think it had something to do with playing these things called tunes - several all at the same time, if I recall. confused

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 21 September 2001 by Peter Stockwell

I have to admit that I couldn't get why you chose to keep your QS Ref, it appeared, maybe I misread, that there was nothing it did better than the mana.


Posted on: 21 September 2001 by Steve Toy
I've had to add a post edit over there. JW won't let you edit postings after half an hour.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 21 September 2001 by ken c
I think Ken was confused because in your post you said ...

you got it in one david...



Posted on: 21 September 2001 by Steve Toy
I'll let you carry on banging on about that little typing error for a bit longer if it pleases you so, although I have now, hopefully, cleared it up. You make a personal decision that others are not comfortable with, and they hang you for it at the earliest opportunity.
That strategy is fine for people who never admit their mistakes, and for me and my system, the QS was no mistake.
So, as a result, am I supposed to diss Mana?
Well I haven't, because I still appreciate its merits - hence the confusion!

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 21 September 2001 by John G.
"That strategy is fine for people who never admit their mistakes, and for me and my system, the QS was no mistake.
So, as a result, am I supposed to diss Mana?
Well I haven't, because I still appreciate its merits - hence the confusion!"

The confusion will exist IMO until you try BOTH in your home with YOUR gear. After that, you will be able to put closure to the whole thing.

Posted on: 21 September 2001 by ken c
You make a personal decision that others are not comfortable with, and they hang you for it at the earliest opportunity.

i am sure you are not referring to my confusion, which you have already cleared.

fwiw, i am never comfortable or uncomfortable with someone else's decision, unless my wife decides to diss (is that the term?) me big grin big grin big grin



[This message was edited by ken c on FRIDAY 21 September 2001 at 18:44.]

Posted on: 21 September 2001 by Steve Toy
I like other peoples' mixes, but I don't do my own.
I think the tune thing is as difficult to define as PR&T. Nobody is saying that a system can play a note out of tune, but simply that a system can fail to deliver the tune at all - it can somehow just get lost in the mix, as other details are brought to the fore. I suppose it is related to Pr&T, in terms of leading edges the beginning, middle - or envelope, and the end - or decay of a note, with its hierarchy of harmonics. If this definition is lost, and the notes blur into each other - accurately pitched as they may be, then the *tune* just goes AWAL.
With the Mana, you are being offered so much more realism, but the overwhelming level of detail can also lose some of the tune - as described above, for me.
Perhaps Mana takes high quality black and white photographs, whilst the QS gives you an impressionist painting - in colour. You choose!

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 22 September 2001 by Martin Payne

would the attribute you are describing be covered by the word "lyricism"?

I'll take it every time, myself. This is the real Flat Earth, music to the exclusion of any other hifi attribute.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 22 September 2001 by Steve Toy

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 22 September 2001 by ken c
you learned people you. i like the sound of "lyricism" -- i presume it includes "tunefulness" but transcends it? is this the catch all that describes what makes us gravitate towards naim-like systems? discuss and ...



Posted on: 22 September 2001 by Steve Toy
The QS Reference is the perfect complement to a Naim system, as it allows all those Naim attributes of PR&T, and tune to come to the fore... Music is just so much more satisfying on an emotional level. There is less of a need to analyse what you are hearing, and enjoy the music in a most cohesive fashion. smile
Yes, it doesn't preclude upgrading for better dynamics and detail, but the cohesion will be maintained, as will the essentially musical character.
With Mana it can be forced upon you a little, whereas the QS Ref. tends to sound more laid back, but it plies you with its subtle charms, so that you just don't want to leave... smile
With Mana, you just leave, expressing how impressive that listening experience was, and how you'd like to come back to hear it again some time. wink
Do you remember the old adage about men prefering blondes, but marrying brunettes?
well, the QS Reference is the brunette! wink

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 23 September 2001 by Steve Toy
I should have known that one was coming... roll eyes
I have heard the effects of the QS Reference on all-Naim systems also:
CD5-Flatcap 2/112/150 into Credos, and
CDX/102/Hi/Napsc/250 into Credos,
102-->82 (250 made 102 sound a bit harsh - revealing weaknesses upstream. frown) Brought to you courtesy of the QS Reference table! wink
Thankyou! smile

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 23 September 2001 by John
Interesting thread. Congrats on your decision Steven and the independence you display with your posts. It is possible that your conclusions comes from the level of equipment and what equipment you are using. I have always found that Mana will reveal your weakess link which is not always a good thing. If you are not patient in sourcing out the problem you could possible come to a wrong conclusion. If you don't want to upgrade your boxes and want to find a balance for your current equipment you probably made a wise decision. I solved my problems by buying better equipment like a CDS/52. The Mana revealed the strengths and weaknesses of my CDX/XPS and 82/Super. The awareness of the weaknesses drove me to upgrade. Is this good or bad? In my opinion anything lower than a CDS/52 you will have distortions and sonic problems (stand or no stand)and your choice of masking becomes very important. My P9/CDS/52 on Mana is magical. It sounds like you found a balance that works for you. Enjoy!



Posted on: 23 September 2001 by Tomas Östlund

I have made a comparasion between Phase 2 Mana and Hutter under my CDX and my results are very similar to yours. in the long run I prefered my Hutter racks "musicality". This was particulary evident when playing Antonio Forcione's Live record. Whith Mana it was very beautiful but not interesting. Whith Hutter it was less beatiful but very captivating music.

We did at the same time do the same comparasion with a friends Linn Classic and in this case Mana won the game.

Regards Tomas

PS. If I ever decide to downgrade. A Classic on a Mana phase 2 wall stand is a very good place to end up.

Posted on: 23 September 2001 by Steve Toy
Say hello to Geoff from me. Is your invite for me to come up still open, BTW?
Not at the same time, obviously. I'd be intereted to learn your findings. If you end up prevaricating, don't let Vuk find out, he gets a bit nasty, you know!
Email me.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink
Steve wink

Posted on: 23 September 2001 by P
Did somebody say Fraim?


Oh well, that'll teach me to stop using the search engine in the hope that somebody might actually be discussing the joys of using and appreciating Naim equipment for a change.

Do Quadraspire have a forum?

Bye for yet another week.


Posted on: 23 September 2001 by Steve Toy
What's a humble reader supposed to do with this?

Easy one: go listen for themselves. I write on this forum what I have heard. I only expect people to take my at my word that I am sincere about my findings. I don't expect everyone, or anyone to agree with them. Contradictions are inevitable, given how subjective the human brain is.
I hope that all my postings based on dems, or just listening to my own system, give the same message to all who bother to read them:
Suck it and see!

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

[This message was edited by Steven Toy on MONDAY 24 September 2001 at 03:56.]