Sad reflections on the forum
Posted by: Nic Peeling on 05 December 2001
Before April I used, on average, to find a number of topics each week that I found very interesting. In the last six weeks I have found very few topics that have interested me greatly. I do not think that I have changed, which suggests to me that the nature of the forum has changed. Has anyone else noticed this and if so can anyone explain what has happened? I was greatly looking forward to returning as an active contributor but it now seems unlikely. Pity.
Nic P
The only constructive suggestion I can make is that Naim think about possible ways that they could change the way they moderate the forum. I find all this talk of bannings very disturbing. Unless someone is saying something that is legally offensive or actionable I would suggest that the moderators allow us to be our own censors. Paul S - as an experiment would you be willing to lighten up on the deleting / editing / banning?
Nic P
"Paul S - as an experiment would you be willing to lighten up on the deleting / editing / banning?"
This is were I make a sharp U turn! I have from time to time criticized a couple of contributors for the use of bad or offensive language, & whilst I will not condone it, if it helps to make for a more lively Forum, then, I guess a blind eye to it must be turned. I suppose it's a bit like gratuitous violence on the television, maybe
without it we would never have got & appreciated the black humour in a film like Pulp Fiction?
I would love to see the Forum continue in a more lively & definitely more FUN fashion.
I suppose it's a bit like gratuitous violence on the television,
Violence on TV ???? Where ????? I don't see it here in Israel ....
I think the advent of the new stands (qf ref,fraim etc) had an effect or raising the temperature a bit and seemed to create strong tribal feel. Some of the most politically biased rubbish has been spoken about this topic in the last few months. People should be much more respectfull of the opinions and experiences of others and appreciate that we ALL hear things a little differently. The bottom line is that we make choices based upon what we like and can afford.
I have listened to and enjoyed mana on a number of occasions yet (to my ears) I believe it can be improved upon these days (IMO). There has been a lot of trolling from certain elements which has let to ugly and uninformed debate which has alienated some of the impartial members. Mana has done very well on the back of naim yet now particular elements seem to enjoy putting the boot in whenever posible.
It is up to us to make this forum worth it, naim simply provide the platform for debate. It would be nice to think that we could respond by dropping the us and them attitude which has infected far too many threads of late
I travelled to Israel 6 times in 10 years spending a total of well over a year in the country, & never once did I miss the wretched box.
From walking around the streets of Tel Aviv in the hot evenings I did see in peoples homes a lot of overweight men (usually wearing string vests) watching mindless game shows. As I can recall the available programs then, 1970 - 80, were nothing short of abysmal. Maybe things have not moved on as much as in the UK.
A few nights ago we were treated on Channel 4 to True Romance, an extremely violent yet, IMHO, a very well made film.
FWIW, even though Israel was nearly always at war during this period, I have never felt safer walking alone at night than I did in Tel Aviv.
I don't watch TV even at cold winter nights.
Next time when you are visiting to Israel,
you'll be my guest in Haifa, don't forget to call me.
[This message was edited by Arye_Gur on THURSDAY 06 December 2001 at 16:16.]
"I don't watch TV even at cold winter nights."
I'm not surprised if the ladies in Israel are still as attractive as they used to be!
Next time I'm in Israel if I travel to the wild north of the county I would be honoured to be your guest.
Best wishes,
I for one would urge you to reconsider. The place will be far worse without your always brilliant contributions. I still fondly recall your post on the subject of...
Happy Toybunny!
It's always a nice day for it Have a good one!
It's good to get back to normal.
Today it really is a nice day for it! Have a good one!
its good to get back to sleep
It's just that mine took about 1 month to really
get going properly, until that time it never quite sounded in the league that it truly belongs. Enjoy your new baby!
Plug your CDX in and be prepared to be disappointed. Mine sounded flat at first. Make sure you are alone when you do this because the others will take the p*** and generally tell you that you have been conned.
After about 4 hours it starts to sound half decent.
48 hours later it starts to slowly improve.
A week later it's begining to sound OK
A month later it will be great.
The improvement is not on a straight line basis but up and down all over the place.
Then and only then buy yourself a XPS. This totally and I mean totally transforms the CDX.
The XPS "MUST" be your next upgrade. I am of the opinion that a law should be passed compelling all CDX owners to buy a XPS.
I hope (in the nicest way) not to be hearing much from you over the next few weeks, hopefully, you will be listening to your music.
Enjoy it
I was on the old forum a couple of years back and was quite shocked at the change when I returned a few months ago.
Its certainly a different place, but I still reckon it’s the best audio forum on the net.
The current spate of trolling and making big personal issues / crusades out of arguments has certainly not helped. One key thing is that it is a far bigger forum now, 3 years ago there were only a couple of hundred logged members and a core of about 10 or 15 of us who posted regularly, the membership is now over 2000 probably with over 50 regular posters.
Another difference is that after JV's death direct Naim involvement in discussions has dramatically reduced. Julian did have a knack of answering posts that were just on the verge of going out of hand with a pretty definitive statement! I would actually like to see the Naim moderators contributing more rather than less, and getting more involved in discussions rather than policing. I realise they have work to do, but so do we, and we all find the time!
The whole Naim forum vs. Mana forum thing that seems to be coming to a head is probably what I find the most irritating, and it does neither manufacturer any favours. Every now and again someone from either "side" goes across and trolls the other forum, and then when they get shouted down or beaten they slink back home and bitch and wine about how bad the other side is. Someone sells their Mana/Naim kit, and within seconds there is a thinly disguised attack on the other forum. Sometimes funny, but always childish. Time for a little perspective perhaps.
It is down to us lot whether this forum good or bad, if we always rise to trolls then the content will obviously suffer.
Nic of course if people stay within reach!! y'all know what that means.
THe people who post here saying how dull it is should perhaps take a break, good idea.
Interestingly if you "search" and read some of the posts these people wrote some six months ago, you can see how interesting their posts where or not, at that time.imho!
excluding mikeh of course)
Nic it is good to have you back but all you want to talk about is censorship and pulsar points...
Tell us what you have been up to while you been away, whats making you tick, what music is moving you all that kind of stuff, how about making yourself a snaps (DIY)
Come on down!
quote:I do my best.
Sometimes funny, but always childish
I really enjoyed Tony's "downsizing" period and hearing the logic and experience he shared as he did it. just for an example.
I do sometimes get tired of hearing others re-state their solution to upgrade questions such as "get a cdx" over and over and over but this is not because it isn't valid counsel, it's just that I've read it many times before and the folks who post such advice seem poised to provide it at the drop of a hat whenever anyone asks a question. Oh, and one other thing that kinda bugs me (since I'm rambling now) is that sometimes it seems that some contributors have never heard equipment from another manufacturer that was worth a damn. Having heard tons a good sh*t from other makers I find this attitude baffling.
Okay, enough from me for now.
Now lets hear and see some interesting new threads get started!
Once upon a time even <==Mike Hanson<== asked questions instead of answering them about upgrades.
Oh how I long for the days when I didn't know it all.
I've owned almost every pre-amp that Naim has made (42, 42.5, 32.5, 72, 102, 82, 52), most of the power amps (110, 140, 250, 135), and three of the CD players (3.5, CDX, CDS2). I've done so many comparisons, that I'm tired of comparing. That's why my primary focus has been shifting from equipment to music. Besides, the standard wisdom with hardware is pretty monotonous, albeit correct.
BTW, my current recommendation for the best "budget" Naim system would be CD5/SNAPS/32.5/SNAPS/110 (excluding speakers). Does anyone have this configuration? If so, do you like it?
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Originally posted by Mike Hanson:
BTW, my current recommendation for the best "budget" Naim system would be CD5/SNAPS/32.5/SNAPS/110 (excluding speakers). Does anyone have this configuration? If so, do you like it?-=> Mike Hanson <=-
I take it the SNAPS would have to be modified for use with the CD5.
I've been close to that system as I've run a CD3.5/32.5/SNAPS/110 into Credos although the 110 has now been replaced with a 140.
I take it the SNAPS would have to be modified for use with the CD5
I meant to say "SNAPS2 (dual railed)".
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Originally posted by Matthew Robinson:
This forum is following the classic lifecycle long established in the online world and previsouly trodden by every single forum ever (even The Well eventually). We are currently at Level 5 Meta Debate (complaints about how its not as good as it was, debates about rules of behviour, etc.) despite Alex's heroic attempts to move us into an era of Meta Meta Debate (Complaints about the complaints about how its not as good as it usd to be). We probably have the pompous public resignation phase to look forward to shortly.
LOL! (If these categories really existed I'd be fascinated to see the list).
Forums like this also have a tension between what we might call "community based" vs "Subject based". ie. some people want a forum that concentrates on the matter at hand, threads stay on topic, is an effective and useful resource, etc. Others want something that is socially more rewarding -- more humour, banter, more emphasis on friendships and rivalries, etc. -- and place less and less emphasis on the original discussion subject.
Ah, interesting. Definately put myself into the "variety is the spice of life" category. Some of the more interesting threads have started as somethng completely different.
cheers, Martin
Jv had more time. Since that terrible date we have not stopped as you will see over the coming years, we are determined to enhance our already strong status around the world with great products which make great music.
This does not mean selling out as those of you who take great pleasure in taking uninformed unintelligent pot shots at us.
We now have within our company with the exception of missing JV the most proffesional and competent team that Naim HAS EVER had.
Tony, when we get there, Roy and I can sit back a bit and get stuck into to some of these mouth wateringly hot topics.
[This message was edited by Paul Stephenson on FRIDAY 07 December 2001 at 15:34.]
Please do not take this as a pot shot, but I think one of things we miss about JV's contributions was his aura of relaxed self confidence. I doubt if his working life was relaxed and although I am sure the pressures at the top in Naim have increased I have a suspicion that Julian had to make a conscious effort to appear relaxed.
Why not spend less time moderating and more time contributing.
I find Naim frequently arrogant and irritating (see for example the thread on digital outputs on CD players), but happily tolerate this because I know it comes from deeply held beliefs. Naim dares to be different and I say "good on you", even when (or is it especially when) you make me grind my teeth. What I find less attractive is that Naim occasionally appears to be somewhat intolerant against those who do not agree with you. I think Naim should lighten up - many of us are very pressured people, and we hang out here for fun. I think Naim should set an example of tolerance and show more clearly that you enjoy your forum.
best wishes
Nic P
Unless it's intended to be ironic, an edit for spelling might be an idea.
Chris that would be great, I always type too fast and don't have time to hang out and read it all back.
[This message was edited by Paul Stephenson on FRIDAY 07 December 2001 at 15:35.]
Maybe "I'm" wrong though
A bunch of folks with a common interst and who dont know each other.
following their lives throughout the day and always coming back to that common thread that puts a wee bit of sanity back into it all.
I'm going to enjoy some more music on my Kans and NAIT1 now.
Best Regards to all,