Naim newbie requires first pre/power advice

Posted by: Stevo on 30 August 2002

Hello all.

I'm new to the forum, and fairly new to Naim, having only recently bought a CD5.

I'm now looking to change my amp (a large Sony 'thing') for something to get me on the Naim ladder. I've heard a few things of late, and the Nait 5 didn't exactly blow me away. The 102/180 however certainly did, and is something for me to aim towards in the future I suppose.

For now, I'm looking for a cheapish second-hand pre/power to get me going.

I've had the luxury of remote control for a while now, and I don't think it's something that I'd like to give up, so I guess that limits me to a NAC92R. Am I right that this would be the only reasonable cheap remote pre?

For the power, does anybody have any advice they can give on the NAP90.3 and the NAP140? Is there a big difference between these two? Or are there other alternatives which I haven't picked up on?

The rest of my system is:
Naim CD5
Linn Basik/Akito/K5
Rega EL8 speaker

FYI CD is my primary source by a long long way, if this makes a difference.

All advice most gratefully received!

Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Steve G
The 92R is a decent pre, I had it and a 32.5 at the same time and they're wasn't all that much between them.

I also had a 90.3 and a 140 and the 140 is a lot better.

Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Bruce Woodhouse
You have the basis for a very nice system. I would agree the 140 is a decent step up from a 90 and worth the extra. The step from 92 to 72 is smaller than the large further improvement of going up to a 102 I found. The 92R and the CD5 would get good improvements from the later addition of a power supply (flatcap or hicap) and I would do this rather than blow all your funds on a 102 for instance.

The quality and consistency of this kit means that secondhand buys make good sense.
Posted on: 30 August 2002 by i am simon 2
Obviousley I dont know how important the remote is to you, but I have to ask how much are you prepared to give up in terms of money and more impoertantly music?

I think a 32.5, 42.5 or 62 will be more affordable to the extent that the funds for the power amp wont be strangled. A nice 140 should do the trick with those EL8s.

If you find a good deal, you may have some money left for a hi cap.

Alternativly, if remote is a must, how about a Nait 3 r, as you can get it converted to a pre later, but in the meantime put a hi cap on the CD5.

Just a thought

Posted on: 30 August 2002 by NB
Stevo, I started with a 82/180 and was very happy with it. I improved it with a hi-cap about six months later and that made a big improvment.

When I bought the amplifier I was using a Roksan Caspian and the amplifier has allowed me to hear the improvements in the CD as I have made them.

Go try and listen for yourself.

Happy listening


big grin
Posted on: 29 September 2002 by Stevo
Thanks for all the advice - I'm now the proud owner of a NAC92R and NAP140. And it sounds fantastic!

But I've now found myself looking to try a Hicap. I have a feeling the path on which I'm embarking is a rather familiar one to many of you......

Posted on: 29 September 2002 by Phil Barry
Don't try a hicap unless you can afford it!

Regards. Enjoy yur new system.
