Where do I go from here?
Posted by: Matt worlock on 19 July 2001
Naim 180,82 powered by a Hicap. Cable is Nac5 for the speakers which are modified Epos es11s (Ii replaced with es12 front baffle & integrated drivers also replaced the capacitors). Front end consists of a Teac T1 trans & the Cambridge dac magic 2i. For interconnects I am using the ones suppled by Naim of which two are black snaics, other interconnects are the audioquest quartz between dac & pre & chord cobra between trans & pre. Oh..yes almost forgot... I use the open frame stands originally supplied with the speakers.
I think thats all of it!
..So where do I go from here guys??
Cheers for now....
Mad Mat
Get rid of that Teac/Cambridge
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
Is it Naim??
Mad Matt
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Before commenting I'd like to know what you think of your system. Do you think there are any problems? Where do you see the limitations?
I haven't heard the Teac T1, however, I understand it's pretty good. I don't know anything about your converter at all. Have you compared your transport/dac with an integrated machine and if so which model?
OK....It was about 10 months ago.......
At this time I was using a Naim 72 & hicap, the rest of the system was the same as it is now & I had a couple of ideas of where I wanted to improve my system:
plan (a) Credos
plan (b) Cdx
Plan (a)
I started with the credos because i wanted a speaker with more volume capability & improved bass response than I was getting from my Epos es12s. The results was all of the above ..great I thought, except the sound was significantly less enjoyable to listen to than the epos. I found that the treble was extremly forward to the point of inducing pain, the whole sound was very unrelaxing. Now don't get me wrong I love dynamic swing, but this wasn't enjoyable I had to keep turning the volume down.....so disapointment.... they went back to the shop!
Plan (b)
Next up was the Cdx a lovely player but I could'nt detect an improvment over want I had, in fact I would say it sounded similiar but with less congestion & smearing of the upper frequencys s's & t's, possibly slightly smoother more natural. I listened to this over a three day period but maybe this wasn't long enough! It also went back to the shop not satisfied with the level of improvment to that of its price.
Some would say this is a bit of a sad story because each product is good but on there own in my system they didn't show there true potential ..me is thinking perhaps it would of all snaped into position when used together!
Unfortunatly funds would not stretch that far.
What happened next was painful at the time but looking back I'm glad it happened.
The brand new 72 went mental, Naim took it for a period of three weeks to supposedly fix it, got it back with exactly the same prob. After a good bit of heated communication between my dealer & naim, Naim eventually took it back. I bought an 82 & have been delighted with it ever since.
Hope this is clearer for you boys LOL.
Interesting. I’m not surprised at your findings regarding the Credos.
It is easy to assume your setup is poor because you couldn’t discern any improvement from the CDX. However, when I first heard the CDX it was simply placed on a basic Sound Organisation 2-shelf support. Without any apparent ‘special’ care being taken it was clear within 3 seconds that it was better than the CD3.5, which had earlier been used on the same support. While I do subscribe to the idea that setup will get more from the CDX, I don’t believe it takes much to get the thing working to a point where it kills lesser players. For you that didn't happen, possibly because you're searching for other improvements right now, the CDX not doing what you're looking for. Sorry if this assessment is wrong but I'm trying...
So, if I understand you correctly you seem to be trying to change the balance of how your system sounds. This is a risky thing to do but if that’s what you want I’d suggest, probably controversially, changing the speakers first. There are a number of options in no particular order….
1. Try to find a dealer holding a pair of used Epos 14’s and see if you can get them on a home loan for a week or two. I think they’ll give you a decent upgrade over your modified ES11’s. I was happy with mine for 3 years. Whether they work for you will depend a lot upon your room. For me, in my new house, the bass sounded detached from the rest of the music so I had to change them. They need to be used well away from the wall but they’re worth a try because they should only cost £250-£300, leaving more for the CD upgrade later.
2. Check out SBLs. These are in a different league to Credos’ and will offer a huge upgrade. They’re fantastic value secondhand and will enable you to appreciate the quality of any source upgrade later. I’m using mine in a 16’x14’ room with no problems at all.
3. Sonus Faber. Some people on the forum use speakers from this company with Naim equipment and are happy with the results. I’ve heard the Concerto sound superb on the end of a Naim amplifier.
4. Dynaudio speakers work very well with Naim. Do a search and you’ll find some info about their models. I’ve heard 3 of their speakers but the best value model was the Audience 40 (don’t think they’re made anymore) at £400.
After you’ve done this I would do the comparison of the transport/dac against the CDX again.
Good Luck
By the way one of my epos es11's has an es12 driver in it,I dunno why,I bought them like that,does it matter?
Yes, it does matter. I had an ES12 driver in one of my ES11's for a couple of weeks - while my 11 driver was being repaired - and it never sounded right. They're different drivers.
The speakers mentioned earlier are really "ES11.5's" IMHO, as despite having the ES12 drivers and x-over, they won't have the radiused front cabinet edge. Yes, picky I know. There was something really special about the ES11's, didn't seem to quite carry over to the 12's (good as they were).
Rico - SM/Mullet Audio