Systems Analysis - Visitations - Skinning Cats

Posted by: Alex S. on 03 May 2002

Being the nerd that I am I like to visit other esteemed Forum members occasionally. I have recently visited two of its most esteemed: Jason H. and Dev B. First I must thank each of their wives for allowing the imposition of a nerd at such short notice.

Right. Pleasantries over, down to business. They each have very different systems. Jason: Funny 2 box CD thingy with big ceramic clamp (I'm sure he'll tell us what it is); LP12/JGeddon/Prefix JPSU/Aro/DV Te Kaitora; 82/JSC; DV HX75; Shahinian Obelisks; Dev: CDS2; LP12/Geddon/Prefix/Aro/Arkiv 2; 52; 135s; Kans (SBLs presently packed).

One thing was immediately blindingly obvious from listening to both systems: a fully Naimed LP12 is the best way to go. If you are stuck with a Linned deck as I am, then at the very least you should get an Aro asap. My deck (Ittok/Troika/Lingo/Linto) is lively, fun and dynamic and has the boogie factor and timing of all LP12s but it has major shortcomings compared to the other two. Dev's deck just grooves better and surface noise is almost gone. Jason's combination is really special and I put this down to the arm of course but mainly to the DV Te Kaitora - the most musical and tuneful cartridge I have heard to date and surface noise had all but disappeared. It is clear that although the Troika may have been good in its day it is no match for the best of today's offerings. Dev's deck displayed the usual synergy between an LP12 and Mana but Jason's proved that it is hardly crippled by being placed on Hutter!

Now the CD Players. Jason's is beautifully engineered, almost an analogue experience to use, but has that slight attack of digititis that is endemic to CDPs. I put it slightly above a stand alone CDX but this is just a feeling without any evidence. Dev has the best CD player in the world bar none, simple as that (best model I mean, other CDS2s are equally good). It is the least digital sounding player I've heard and although it can't compete with top vinyl it does allow you to choose a CD instead of an LP without regret (I'm relieved when reasonably balanced sources allow you to just choose music instead of formats).

Preamps? It is known that I'm a big fan of the 52, less so the 82. All I can say is that the 82 sounded bloody good in Jason's system, far better than it ever did in mine, for whatever reason. Poweramps? It is also well known that I seem to be a minor DV Mafioso hit man and yes, the HX75 was going about its business in an unassuming way but just getting everything important right, allowing notes to develop and instruments to breath. As always, the 135s were on song in Dev's system. If I had an all Naim system, including speakers, I would not look elsewhere, but I don't, so I did.

Now the speakers, the most interesting bit for me since they are so different, and yet both so good. Suddenly I remembered why I had Kans for a decade. Ditching them for AE1s was a moment of madness (even though I like AE1s). Kans are wonderfully open, super fast, musical and just fun, fun fun. They shout a bit at the top end when cranked up, simply because, try as they might, they cannot completely defy the laws of physics. I understand that changing to modern spec tweeters may obviate most of the problems in any case. It is a fallacy that they cannot do bass. Its deep bass they can't do, what they do do is of course super fast and tuneful. Anyone who has a pair of Kans need not change them, in my view, until they have at least CDS2/52/135s or an enormous room, and even then, adding a really good sub may be the best option (although Briks cloud the issue). Anyone who doesn't have Kans should get some for a rainy day.

Finally, Shahinian Obelisks, stunning speakers but in many ways the opposite of Kans. I won't go on about them here because Nick and others have already done so. Suffice to say that they allow you into a performance, allow you just to sit back and enjoy the music in a way that very few others do, at any price.

I went away from both trips having thoroughly enjoyed myself, the company, the systems and the music, although very different in each case (although I hope I was more or less the same both times). I also went away knowing that there are many ways to skin a cat. Both these systems really work, as systems. Both rooms could improve for sure, boxes could be added, swapped or taken away. Supports could be moved, enlarged, changed. Mains could be improved still further. Cables could go, move, change colour, whatever. But, thankfully, none of this is really necessary to enjoy the music. I have half listened to Wynton Marsalis's In This House On This Morning as I have written this and I can say the same about my own system too, which is a stroke of good fortune for which I am truly thankful since I have no money.

Posted on: 03 May 2002 by Alex S.
Especially to Geoff who seemed almost serious.

You should be writing for a quality porno mag.
If you had seen my offering in the Church thread you will see that I already do.

Paul, Nonsense.

Jason, Quite. My sources are balanced which means my vinyl is basically crap.

Posted on: 03 May 2002 by Joe Petrik

Jason's combination is really special and I put this down to the arm of course but mainly to the DV Te Kaitora - the most musical and tuneful cartridge I have heard to date and surface noise had all but disappeared. It is clear that although the Troika may have been good in its day it is no match for the best of today's offerings.

Someone here once wrote -- I can't remember who -- that Te Kaitora is an anagram for Eat Troika. And if you think the Te Kaitora is good, ask Mark Dunn about the XV-1.

Posted on: 03 May 2002 by Steve Toy
even Steven Toy will be a little jealous.

You could be right there.

An excellent post.



The proof of the pudding...
Posted on: 04 May 2002 by Top Cat
Oh no, not that again!

big grin

TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."
Posted on: 07 May 2002 by Dev B
It was really nice to meet you last Thursday. Your write up was a good read.

See you again soon.

Posted on: 07 May 2002 by Alex S.
Sorry Dev, you will be pod enforced in due course.

James, don't you start. Anyway, I've forgotten, am I bringing the 36" telly?


PS Dev, please post that play list!

[This message was edited by Alex S. on TUESDAY 07 May 2002 at 17:30.]
Posted on: 10 May 2002 by Dev B

PS Dev, please post that play list!

From memory, here goes:
1. Danny Tenaglia - In London (Global Underground)
2. Sasha/John Digweed - Communicate
3. DJ Marky - The Brazilian Job
4. Derek Bailey/DJ Ninj - Guitar, Drum and BAss
5. Sacred System - Nagual Site (Bill Laswell's Indo/Jazz x-over thing)
6. DJ Patiffe - Sambassim (V Recordings, EP)
7. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt - Gathering Rain Clouds (Water Lily)
8. oops, can't remember the rest & I didn't play any Jazz either frown although I can remember Mrs Dev's gourmet Sausages and Mash.

See you soon,


ps. SBL's are now back in and sounding very cool. Kans just can't take a relentless assault of Grooverider you know.

pps. oh, and Mrs Dev doesn't think you are a nerd BTW
Posted on: 13 May 2002 by Alex S.
Thanks for that list and please thank Mrs Dev, partly for the nerdfreeish endorsement, but mostly for that stunning mash.

I've been up to the northern Manalands for the weekend - hence the late reply. I'll tell you all about it if I can ever think straight again.
