Flat earth vs round earth

Posted by: Haroon on 17 April 2001

I've been reading the posts for a while, there has been references two two types of groups round earth and flat earth - what's all this about then?

(no obvious answers about the shape of the earth please ;-)


Posted on: 17 April 2001 by Andrew Randle
These are general terms that refer to the qualities and design philosophies of various hi-fi companies. Hence "there's more than one way to crack a nut". So we have the following groups focussing on the following qualities:

Round Earth - Imaging, tonality, resolution
Flat Earth - Timing, tunefulness, communicability

Also these qualities are not mutually exclusive to either group. Also, both groups can list Dynamics and Dynamic Range.

We also have "Middle Earth", an attempt to combine both sets of qualities... about as realisable as Bilbo Baggins of Bagshot.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 17 April 2001 by Phil Barry
Bilbo lives.
Posted on: 17 April 2001 by Cheese
I had myself asked this question a couple of weeks ago, here the URL of that thread :

web page

You will notice that the dividing line between the two terms is apparently very thin, and that emotions as well as personal tastes and views are at least as important as the actual facts. And above everything else - Naim, Linn and other brands have made the term flat-earth "fashionable" in recent years wink

FMOP, I understand that a megabuck horn speaker is definitely round-earth, and that a Naim DBL is flat-earth. But don't tell a DBL owner that his speakers have bad imaging mad And I can't imagine either that a well driven horn can't sound tuneful ...

Hope you can do something with all the information ... And I am even tempted to ask the following question (hope I'll survive to this): Imagine that it was just plain marketing ? big grin


Posted on: 17 April 2001 by Joe Petrik
Benard wrote:

You will notice that the dividing line between the two terms is apparently very thin...

Yup, it depends entirely on which side of zero your score is on.

Imagine that it was just plain marketing ?

Nah, some of us have heard live music and understand what it's about. wink


Posted on: 17 April 2001 by Don Atkinson
'some of us have heard live music and understand what it's about'

Similar to the point I was making 5 minutes ago in the thread on a new preamp to match the 500 wink



Posted on: 18 April 2001 by Haroon
Well all I know is that I like mostly dance and jazz music (ok and other types too) so rhythmic timing is very important to me. And all I can afford at the moment is bargain basement naim kit - so if that makes me flat earther then then so be it :-)


Posted on: 18 April 2001 by Joe Petrik
Mr. Ribee, Sir,

Alternatively you can view this as a gripe from someone with -100 FEPs (classic unadjusted Petrik scale)...

I just checked your profile... Musical Fidelity? Celestion? Kimber Cable? RA Purifier?

Man, you got off lucky with just -100 FEPs. Someone get this man a Nait and a pair of Kans. wink

Dev, got a funk bomb you can spare?


Posted on: 18 April 2001 by Martin M
Joe, great 'map'. Nice of Gil Scott-Heron to be photgraphed for it too.

I weighed in at 180 FEPs. The 200 FEP was barrier was stopped by my turntable not being as expensive as my speakers. A reasonable state of affairs though.

Anyway, talking of Funkadelic I went to see them at Leeds (a strange juxtaposition if ever there was one), and stood next a chap with a rather colourful hair style at the bar. An hour later on the same chap was on stage doing his 'thang' along with around another 12 musicians (dressed in dresses or nappies).

Yes, I stood next to George Clinton at the bar of the Leeds Town & Country Club and didn't realise. How many FEPs do I lose for being a 'stupid white mother'? smile

Posted on: 18 April 2001 by Joe Petrik
... I must learn to free my mind... I, grasshopper, await your instruction with an empty mind.

Young Grasshopper,

Thirty spokes share the wheel's hub; it is not the wheel but the space within that gives it use.

Shape clay into a vessel; it is not the clay but the emptiness within that gives it use.

Without a door, the room cannot be entered. without windows it is dark.

Such is the usefulness of many FEPs.
