Anyone using or have heard Dynaudio 1.8's fairly close to side walls?
Posted by: Jaybar on 19 February 2001
If you're sitting 11 - 12 feet away, the speakers should ideally be placed around 7 - 8 feet apart.
If they are 2 feet away from side walls, that should be reasonable, though it's a little close. It's not bad though. Make sure the speakers are at least 2 feet from the rear wall.
By default, Dynaudios should not be toed in! Make them face square to the room. If you get a vague image, bring them a little closer to each other, rather than toeing in, but never less than 6.5 feet in your case, otherwise it'll sound congested. If push comes to shove and you still get a vague image, you could try toeing in slightly, but only by a fraction (so you can barely tell they're toed in). This is not recommended for normal use as what happens with toed-in Dynaudios is a pinched narrow soundstage.
Thank you. They are 30 inches from thr wall behind them . Is that a good distance? Also, would it help to sit a bit closer to the speakers, lets say 9.5 feet which would give me 30" to the side walls and 7 feet apart. Thanks.
The latter scenario of 9.5ft, 30" from sides and 7ft apart certainly seems a preferable solution to me. It's a good place to start. 30" from the sides is a good place to be...
You were right on the money, so to speak. I ended up 30" from the rear of the speaker to the wall behind them, 31" from the side walls (center to center) and a 114" from the front plane of the speakers to my listening position. The North American distributor said that given the acoustic chacteristics of my room, the distance between the speaker and listener, should be about 1.4 time the distance between the speakers. His suggestions in terms of measurements that gave the correct "multiplier" were gnerally consistant with yours.
Immage size and scale became very realistic. The speakers lost their hardness and shoutiness. Images were nolonger compressed and wierd.PRAT improved markedly as did overall involvement in the music Although toe-in gave me specific images beyond the speakers, everyting else was the worse for it.
The only big adjustment for me was the bass response and presentation. heretofore, I had the speakers MUCH further out into the room. This tended to favor the upper bass and gave the illusion of "tighter bass". While bass lines were slightly more difficult to follow at 30" from the wall behind the speakers than my old position of 50", the overall tonal balance and involement factor was superd, when the speakers were closer to the wall behind them. Gone was the shouty, hard, tense quality.
BTW, these speakers in combination with a Naim CD 5+highcap, Spectral Pre/amp and Linn/ TT( Ekos, Linto, Lingo, Arkiv) do a nice job of PRAT and keeping me involved in the music. Spectral may be better at involvement and PRAT than other American brands, while not up to Naim in this regard. While I looked into swapping my Spectral gear for Naim, I found that the $$$$ involved to get a system that bettered the Spectral would be more than I have to spend at this time, even if I factor in resale proceeds. So unless I winn the lottery, I will stick to my Naim CD 5 for the time being. Sometimes we can't have everything we want.
Frank, thanks for your help.
at 30" from the wall behind, the bass, while not one note, booms out and is way too priminant. Shall I move the speakers away from the wall behind them and if so, by what increments? Thanks