Interconnect Upgrade

Posted by: markjp on 11 December 2001

Does anyone have experience of using Chord Co. Solid II or Anthem. I plan to dem them between my NAC62 and CD3.5 as soon as my new Black SNAICs have run in (Pre to Power and Flatcap to 3.5).



Posted on: 11 December 2001 by Frank Abela
This is a 'try before you buy' scenario. Borrow the cables over the weekend before doing anything. Generally, Naim's own cable is very suited to the kit and moving away from it is a compromise.

I note that you have Celestion A2's which can be a difficult load for a 140. If you're finding the sound quite bright, the Solid2 or anthem could help. However, there will be a trade-off in terms of musical cohesion so watch out for that!

If you are getting a bright sound, try putting the flatcap between the 62 and 140. Although this goes against the source first principle, the extra juice the 140 will get, combined with the better regulation of the preamp and the softer sounding CD3.5 may be a better balance. Try it - it can't hurt (provided you switch off the amp and power supply before unplugging anything).

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 11 December 2001 by Steve G
I'm just changed from a grey SNAIC to a Chord Solid between my CD3.5 and 32.5. I think the Chord Cable sound better but I'm not entirely sure it's 70 quid better.

I only paid 30 quid for mine used so I'm quite happy but between a 62 and 3.5 I'd expect any improvement over the Naim cable to be limited.


Posted on: 12 December 2001 by Naheed
I've used most of the Chord range, and spent a while with the Solid II in my system.

When it comes to interconnects stick with Naim, the Chord may seem an improvement at first - but gradually you realise something is a miss - then use your SNAICs to restore balance to the force...


Posted on: 12 December 2001 by Duncan Fullerton
I use an Anthem between my CDX and 82. I originally bought it to go between my DPA and 82, and my dealer swapped the phono-DIN for a DIN-DIN when the CDX arrived. Out of curiosity I tried both the Naim freebie and the Anthem in my setup, and the difference is negligible

If I didn't already own the Anthem, then I wouldn't go out and buy one for my Naim system. However, if I had a non-Naim system with no free interconnects, then the Anthem would be top of my list.

Posted on: 12 December 2001 by markjp
Thanks for replies to my post.

Have decided to stick to NAIM cable as suggested snd not try Chord cables. I am going to upgrade my grey SNAIC for a black one.

I am going to concentrate on saving for a Hicap for my NAC62. Hopefully will be able to afford one in 2002.



Posted on: 12 December 2001 by markjp
Originally posted by Vuk Vuksanovic:

A Snaic does not go between CDP and pre-amp.


What is the interconnect between a CDP and Pre called then? and is it now black, as my dealer says he is going to order me one. I'm getting confused!


Posted on: 13 December 2001 by Willem van Gemert
Originally posted by markjp:
What is the interconnect between a CDP and Pre called then? and is it now black, as my dealer says he is going to order me one. I'm getting confused!


The interconnect between source and preamp is just called interconnect, as far as I know. It's not black but grey. The newer interconnects have a grey/lavendel colour.
Snaics are the cables used between preamp, power amp and power supplies. Apart from the signal they carry power as well. There is a 5-pins version (pre amp to power supply) and a 4-pins version (pre amp or power supply to power amp).



Posted on: 13 December 2001 by Frank Abela
The interconnect is thin, whereas the SNAIC is a bit thicker. This is because the SNAIC carries power as well as signal. But don't worry about plugging the wrong cable into the wrong place. If you look at the pins in the DIN plugs of the two cables, you'll see that a 5-pin SNAIC has widely spaced pins whereas the interconnect has pins quite closely spaced. At the moment, you only have a 4-pin SNAIC since you don't have a power supply between pre and power

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 13 December 2001 by Doug Graham
To put it simply. Snaic leads are 240 degree and interconnects are 180 degree pin formation.Except the 4pin to 5 pin interconnect that we supply with the prefix





Posted on: 13 December 2001 by markjp
Could Doug Graham or someone else at NAIM tell me whether the signal interconnect has been upgraded sonically and what colour it is.I have a CD3.5 with a thin grey interconnect and want to know whether there is an upgraded cable available. Also are they the same cost as SNAICS £53.

I ordered from my dealer a 4 & 5 pin SNAIC, one to replace my NAC62 to NAP140 connection and the other from a Flatcap to CD3.5. What I didn't realise was that the Flatcap to CD3.5 was already Black. My dealer can't refund my £53 because it was a special order from NAIM, however I was hoping that if there was an improved Interconnect to CD I could exchange it for that.



Posted on: 13 December 2001 by Doug Graham

The latest interconnect is of grey/lavendar appearance. The construction differs slightly to the predesessor in that the braiding is only soldered at point of contact with the DIN and the braid is not tinned along it's exposed length.
Sounds good to me.
Oh and another thing Mark. If you'd like to swop the unrequired Snaic for the latest interconnect let me know



Posted on: 13 December 2001 by markjp
Doug have sent you an email.

At least I think I have, do I remove the no spam bit. i.e doug@........

