U.S. Shahinian Fans Help please

Posted by: Name on 21 January 2002

Just placing a call out to all U.S. based Shahinian fans for help.....what is the current price of the shahinian arc.....they cost around 2000 pounds....but I've seen figures of around 2000 U.S. dollars for new arc's in old 1999 audio mags. It would be greatly appreciated if I could find out the current 2002 price and the contact details i.e. phone number and email of a really good U.S. dealer.
Thanks for all your help.
Posted on: 21 January 2002 by ebirah
Whatever they cost, theyre worth every penny.
They cost 2700 UK pounds presently, having a huge hike-up last year. I dont know what the US price is but the shahinian website should have dealer links. The guys at Shahinian are very helpful also.

Even at that price they are still seeing off much of the competition. A friend of mine bought a new pair just a few weeks ago after hearing a range of speakers. He was unaware I'd bought a pair also. Im off to hear his tomorrow night.


Posted on: 21 January 2002 by Martin M
The US prices are pretty easy to work out. Take the UK price and rub out the pound mark and put a dollar mark instead - about $2800 dollars now. Same goes for most US equipment.

Dick sells his speakers direct mainly, so give him a call in Long Island.

Posted on: 21 January 2002 by Name
Thanks for your speedy replies guys....Martin I'm not sure that Dick Shahinian would sell to me direct as there is a local distributor for the arc here... but the local price is NZ$7900 which is about US$3950 and there is only one pair left in the country. They are hard to get, the local distributor said great speakers but that the international distribution..well to NZ is not to good. So me being CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP...thought I might try and find a good US based retailer who might export a pair over to NZ. The NZ price is due to go upto $8500 which is approx US$4250.
They're not a huge speaker so careful export plus insurance should be o.k.
So any recommendations for U.S based dealers.
Thanks Ebirah and Martin.
Posted on: 21 January 2002 by Martin M
John Marks Records in the US. He's a Shahinian fan and sells the speakers amongst other things.

The Obelisks were $2800 a pair there.

Posted on: 21 January 2002 by Name
Don't suppose you have a phone number...either way your a legend young fella.....
Posted on: 21 January 2002 by markcas
last week and can tell you that Obelisks are
USD 3400.00 + shipping.

Hope that helps.

Mark. wink

Posted on: 21 January 2002 by Martin M
John Marks is on (401) 782 6298
Posted on: 22 January 2002 by count.d
If you're considering buying direct, remember to add VAT & import duty.Also they weight 50lbs.
If anything is wrong with them, good luck!
Posted on: 22 January 2002 by markcas
but they told me they would not ship to the UK because of the dealer network. So you need a friend outside the dealer network to order them for you. Or move to Canada as I will doing shortly.

My original post was to let the guy in NZ know the score.


Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Manu
An early welcome from Canada.


Posted on: 24 January 2002 by markcas
moving to Vancouver.

Any idea where I can get prices for Naim gear in Canada?

