Is there life after a downgrade?

Posted by: Bas V on 09 August 2002


After having sold my CDI, 102, hi, 180 and Intro's, I went way back to a Linn Classik. I soon realised I missed the typical Naim sound. Fortunately I stumbled upon a Nait 5 and a CD5. I have bought a pair of ProAc Tablette 50's and some heavy Target HR60 stands.


Within a couple of weeks I will be moving in with my girlfriend, who really loves the look and the sound of the new system. And so do I. I was very afraid the jump would be too big, but the 5 series are so good, I have the feeling I could live with these two forever (although if a FC 2 comes upon my path...)

I just thought I should let all of you know.

Greetz, Bas

PS Nuno, go for the CD5, it's really special!
Posted on: 09 August 2002 by Alco
Hi there Bas,

Nice to hear you like the new 5-series and also the synergy with the Proac Tablette's! So, in the end you can consider yourself lucky afterall, that the MA Studio-2's you were after, were already sold when you came to pick 'em up.

s/h Proac tablette 50's are as rare as winning the lotery in Holland,imho.

Enjoy the music and your new system.

Alco smile
Posted on: 10 August 2002 by Bas V
While I was at CAC, where they tried to persuade me for not selling my gear, we listened to the Signums at the end of the Classik. Although we only got about 60% of the information that was on a disc, it sounded pretty good. To soft and laid back for me, but mt brother preferred it to the CDX, 102, 180 combo we compared it to!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Greetz, Bas