"me and my aro"
Posted by: ken c on 03 August 2001
interesting read...
Will look out for the 'Listener' and read article, even though I prefered, and bought, Ekos when I first compared them.
When do we get next update on your active system; cdsii and cartridge? Do I recall you saying you were going to only make one change at a time and let things settle down after each new purchase? or do I detect a touch of envy in myself?
Arthur Bye
I attended the Naim open day just 2 weeks ago and saw piles of the things.
Paul Stephensen has stated several times in the past that Naim have stockpiled the bits necessary to build them. I do not think that any Aro enthusiast has anything to worry about obtaining Aros in the forseeable future.
I also liked the story on why its called an Aro.
And, they are still making them, as we saw lots being made!
My initial thought upon reading that people saw AROs being made in the factory was - Potemkin villages, the battle scenes in Blazing Saddles and numerous other flicks, and Julius Ceasar. My memory of Ceasar's pulling off this osrt of bluff is highly questionable, however.
right now i am using simon@infidelity's 52 as mine is at naim for some service, together with my hicap and snaxo's supercap. when they come back, i will post an update here.
Do I recall you saying you were going to only make one change at a time and let things settle down after each new purchase?
you recall correctly. to some extent i have done just that, active then snaxo's supercap, then cdsii at the same time as new XX2 (oh dear didnt do too well here). now i am contemplating rationalising (good excuse) my equipment racks to QS refs.
or do I detect a touch of envy in myself?
i dont think so. you are just interested thats all. dont worry, its going to be sometime before i upgrade again -- the bank balance will see to that.
how is your system doing? stumbled upon any new good music of late?
Hope you get the 52 back soon, what was wrong?
Can't see how you can upgrade much more - other than 4*135s ? or 2*500 ? orr NBL ? orrr DBL ? he he he he!
The current system is sounding terrific as usual- OK its not perfect - needs cdsii and a 500, (or Krell or ML power amp) but it makes me feel terrific. I hav'nt really bought much music recently. Just a couple of Hank Marvin CDs that I missed - but very well recorded, and providing you like Hank Marvin they sound great. Plus The Beatles 1st Album ie their most recent compilation with the RED cover. Bought the vinyl version (from Grahams !) fantastic - providing you like The Beatles of course!
I had intended to listen to them again tonight (but got into a bit of a pickle on another thread) so will sit back and enjoy tommorow night instead.
Glad to see there are plenty of Aros in waiting for you. But don't despair if they do run out, the Ekos really is bette.........
so do i. for the time being though, i am not really bothered as i have simon's 52 which sounds great. he has kindly offered an 82 if he needs his 82 back. my 52/supercap/hicap are being serviced.
Can't see how you can upgrade much more - other than 4*135s ? or 2*500 ? orr NBL ? orrr DBL ? he he he he!
eeeeeeezy now. dont start putting ideas into my little head. i am extremely gullible u see. is 4*135's much earthshatteringly better than 2*250??? no, seriously, my next upgrade is the sbl replacement, whenever that comes. if i ever go 500, it will be passive -- and i will need to convince myself that this will not be a "downgrade" in some sense.
Bought the vinyl version (from Grahams !) fantastic - providing you like The Beatles of course!
i bought a huge number of records and cd's from grahams, mostly thru paul j's very good recommendations. and i like hank marvin, and the beatles definitely -- my generation you see. i cant remember what hank i have, on analogue, will check.
... (but got into a bit of a pickle on another thread) ...
naughty boy. slap slap slap slap.
Glad to see there are plenty of Aros in waiting for you. But don't despair if they do run out, the Ekos really is bette
i can probably live with an ekos. hell i lived with a lowly ittok for a long time before the aro arrived. but i would miss "something" in what the aro does. everytime i listen to a friend's ekos, i am always impressed -- but i can pick up on where the aro would do things differently, and to my ears, better.
nice e-talking to you don.
PS My wife, doesn't even notice the DBLs anymore. She says 'they are fine'.
not fair!! shoudnt be allowed. they should ask you to show your passport and sell you at the brit price -- i paid GBP13.00 for mine in MVC. mind you, perhaps i could have got it much cheaper from Tower here in london.
played it through the DBLs. Man. You have got to try it. Talk about scale and musicality!!! Forget the SBL replacement, this where you need to go (eventually)!!
even more unfair!!! unfortunately, unless i upgrade my house, there is no place where i can put DBL's (not even NBL's) right now. i do like the scale and musicality bit though... and i am sure you know this, thats why you are teasing me with all the DBL stuff....
Rico - let them eat Kans.
or hell - was it straighter than narrow? Anyone remember?
...but probably not the 1999 remaster - which is far superior to all issues since the original vinyl (and possibly better than that).