Maximum Fraim height

Posted by: Derek Wright on 13 April 2002

In the Fraim user manual there are comments on the maximum height ie

6 standard height levels plus base level

2 extended height levels plus base

What it does not indicate as to what is the maximum number of standard levels when combined with an extended level. Any comments please.

Are the maximum height recomendations based on accoustic performance or strength/stability of the Fraim tower?

I would prefer (ie I do not want to have two Fraim towers) but want to accomodate CDSii, 52, XPS, Supercap, 500PS, 500, plus a Tuner and DVD player
the latter so as to keep all the equipment together and minimise cable drape.

Could this combination of equipment be housed on a single Fraim tower.

Thanks for any comments


Posted on: 14 April 2002 by dave simpson
Are the maximum height recomendations based on accoustic performance or strength/stability of the Fraim tower?

I would think both. Seems like your primary objective is cable drape (?). I'll bet in your case (minimal) mass-load will outweigh the benefits of no-cables-touching..nevermind the weight issues involved. (Multiple Fraims would be the best scenario for you in other words). In addition, you'd get the benefit of isolating power supplies and head units with multiple Fraim arrays.

I'd contact Naim UK with a private email regarding your questions. They don't check every thread here.



Posted on: 14 April 2002 by Derek Wright

My main concern is width of the equipment - two towers is quite wide and the power supplies would have to be on the left tower.

The 500 does confuse the issue as it requires an extended shelf which is almost pushing me into a three towers - a 500 tower, a power supplies tower and a source or control tower.

I will write to Salisbury - the possible increase in VAT on Wednesday has caused me to do a bit of rapid decision making.

KC's thread on his hissing 500 led me to his thread on tower height last October where PS restated the guide book maximums, but did not specify a combination of extended and standard height shelves.


Posted on: 14 April 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Derek Wright:
...and the power supplies would have to be on the left tower.

No, no, no.

Power supplies on the right.

cheers, Martin

P.S. that's a SNAXO under the 52.

Posted on: 15 April 2002 by Derek Wright

Can the power supplies go above the 500 and 500ps


[This message was edited by Derek Wright on MONDAY 15 April 2002 at 10:24.]

Posted on: 15 April 2002 by Paul Stephenson
2 extended plus 2 standard will be fine.
Posted on: 15 April 2002 by Derek Wright
Paul - thanks
Also had a chat with Jason and come up with a proposed layoout


[This message was edited by Derek Wright on MONDAY 15 April 2002 at 10:54.]

Posted on: 30 April 2002 by Mark Rampling
I'd like some advice if possible! I have a similar system to Derek's (CDS2/XPS, NAC52/SuperCap, NAP500/500PS, ACT2s) and I've gone for two Fraims, each consisting of base + extended shelf + standard shelf. I intend to have all power supplies on one Fraim, all head units on the other:

standard: CDS2 XPS

extended: NAC52 SuperCap

base: NAP500 500PS

In your opinion, is this the best way to arrange my system? My concern is the proximity of the NAC52 to the NAP500.

Any comments are appreciated!

Posted on: 30 April 2002 by Derek Wright

I Fraimed my system last Friday - it took 4 hours all together 2 of which were silent. The Fraim was beautifully presented and packaged

There are some benefits from a cabling point of view of putting the 52 on the top shelf of a Fraim tower, otherwise the rear support of the Fraim causes interconnect cables going into the back of the 52 to be bent quite close to the socket - this will no doubt affect the sound.

There is also an ergonomic benefit in having the 52 as high as possible in that you do not have to bend down so far to adjust it - ie when the remote is the other side of the room.

So as to not offend some people - I will just say that I am very pleased with it and that it contributes to my listening experience. I am sure the noticed improvement can also be attributed to to de rats nesting of the cables.

Good luck with the Fraiming
