I thought my mains was sorted !
Posted by: Ade Archer on 26 November 2001
Last year I had a seperate spur installed by an electrician, to whom I had explained that it was recommended by Naim that I get one rated at least 30amps. The spur was installed and I thought nothing more of it really. I had looked at the individual breakers in the past, but hadn't noticed the rating. Today, in Homebase, I looked at the breakers more closely, and noticed that the had figures 'B 16','B 30','B 40' on them, the figure after the 'B' corresponding to the amp rating. On my return home, I had a look at mine to check, and found that my HiFi spur had a 16 amp breaker. I thought this would explain why I sometimes have trouble switching on my Hicap and 250 without it tripping, so I went and got a 40 amp breaker to replace it.
The difference is huge ! Many of the criticisms I would have of the sound of my system have been resolved, and this is without the XPS I had borrowed recently.
Is it the case that the 16 amp breaker was some kind of bottleneck, as even though it is recommended to install at least a 30 amp spur, I am surprised by the difference, since all the equipment plugs have 13 amp fuses.