Advice on second system

Posted by: Wind in ears on 28 March 2002

I am in the process of assembling a second system for the bedroom. Thoughts todate are;

A Linn Clasik with Kans


A Nait 2, Kans and a CD3 and some kind of tuner.

I like to sound of my main system so want the second simular. Any experience of the above and advise appreciated.

Posted on: 28 March 2002 by Bosh
I was just about to post re my second system, currently Planar2+super bias/Arcam Alpha/Nait2/Kans1. Used in my sparsely furnished dining kitchen it sounds too forward and harsh and I feel the Kans are to blame.

Any suggestions for "warmer" sounding speaker that will sit harmoniously in this setup. (Please dont suggest an LP12/CDX upgrade, although the latter and maybe a P3 will probably come later). My dealer suggests Royd RR1 but I'd rather spend around £300 and put the rest on the front end.

Posted on: 28 March 2002 by skraft
If you expect to play at lower volumes, be prepared to play with the balance. These have that cheap, faulty pots. However, the sound is quite warm and pleasant.
Posted on: 28 March 2002 by Bruce Woodhouse
I have tried a selection. The latest version of Kans is a bit grim but the Katan is good. A really classy bookshelf is the Dynaudio audience 42. I helped a friend choose a Classik system and ended up buying a pair of these for my second set up. They cost around £350. Worth a listen.


[This message was edited by Bruce Woodhouse on THURSDAY 28 March 2002 at 14:18.]

Posted on: 28 March 2002 by Not For Me
Classik is fine as a second system.

It sounds loads better than most peoples aspirational hi-fis from Currys etc.

Simpler to use, one box, one remote for CD and tuner and amp. I use one in the kitchen, with TV sound wired in too.

It replaced a over powering (for the room) Karik/Numerik/72/hicap/250 system.

Get a listen at a dealer - there are bargins to be had there.


Posted on: 28 March 2002 by J.N.
Were you in 'Dances With Wolves'?

I would reiterate the Nait 2 advice as above. Great amp, crap 'pot'. Useless for playing at low volumes on CD.

I now use CD5 - Flatcap2 - 32.5 - 160 - Saras.

Suits me Sir.

Posted on: 28 March 2002 by skraft
This has been the subject of other threads. There's no room apparently for a quality replacement. Too bad. Such a nice integrated amp otherwise. I too replaced it with a Nait5. But I've kept it just in case. One solution is to use heavy load speakers - the other is just to adjust the balance know. Neither is great obviously.
Posted on: 28 March 2002 by Mike Sae

I had problems driving RR1s with 72/hi/140 in a "medium" sized room. CDs had to be cranked to 1-2 O'clock, and LPs weren't loud enough with the pot at full clip! In any event, the cones bottomed out with typical electronic bass.

If your Nait2 can run them, I'll be very disappointed in my 140- time to crack out the whip! frown

That said, I recently heard them sounding fantastic off a 112/150. Dealer suggested that they weren't broken in when I was using them; I only gave 'em ~100 hours before giving up.

[This message was edited by Mike Sae on FRIDAY 29 March 2002 at 03:41.]

Posted on: 29 March 2002 by J.N.
in my Nait 2; but it can't be done apparently.

I guess it was designed with phono as its primary source and worked fine.

Posted on: 30 March 2002 by Rico
as Mike says, the RR1's are a challenging load. Nait 2? I suspect you'll find better matches for less money.

How about sort (optimise) the setup, and what about a CD3 instead of the Arcam? You'd be surprised what that will do in terms of fill-in and balance.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 30 March 2002 by ejl
Why not consider something different? If I had the money to put together a self-respecting second system, I'd seriously consider a decent used round-earth-style set: tubes, non-suspended tt, possibly even horns -- the whole lot. Assuming that you've already got a good flat-earth style sound with your main set, wouldn't it be more interesting to explore gear that would have a very different character and might do some things better? A small-scale flat earth system is likely to be a less satisfying version of what you already have.

Just a suggestion. smile