Which Cartridge DV17D2 MKII or Arkiv

Posted by: Energy on 22 July 2002


I need to replace my Denon DL-160 cartridge on my LP-12 / RB-300. I was thinking the Dynavector DV17D2 MKII as the way to go, but my next up grade is too the ARO arm. (I will buy one on my next trip to the UK feb 2003) should I get the Linn Arkiv now? how would it work in the rega rb300 arm? or just save cash & get the Dynavector as from what I've read it works well in the ARO.

Thanks for your advise.
Posted on: 22 July 2002 by Frank Abela
I have tried the Arkiv2 in the ARO and didn't much care for it. I found it hard and a little bright. It works much better in the Ekos, so that's the arm to have if you must have an Arkiv2.

The 17D2 will work well in both arms. Of course, it's not in the same league as the Arkiv2. That would be the DV XX2 which is a cracking cartridge and blows the Arkiv out of the water in my view.

I haven't tried the XX2 in a RB300. Normally I would not suggest this as a good match, however, I have heard other high end cartridges work on this arm - and I know someone on this forum has an XX2 on his RB300 and he says it works well.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.
Posted on: 22 July 2002 by Energy

Good point, I can get the DV XX2 here in Australia for less then the Arkiv AUD $2000.00

haven't tried the XX2 in a RB300. Normally I would not suggest this as a good match, however, I have heard other high end cartridges work on this arm - and I know someone on this forum has an XX2 on his RB300 and he says it works well.

For the short term just till the I get the ARO. A friend has ARO/Arkiv the sound was good, but as you say better match with the ekos.

Posted on: 22 July 2002 by Bosh
I've got the XX2 in an ARO and would wholeheartedly recommend it.

How about a nip over your pond to Tokyo, I understand the XX2 is around £300 there (£998 in the UK)
Posted on: 22 July 2002 by JeremyD
John, the ifs and buts come when you find it's faulty (if you're unlucky) and need a replacement under the probably invalid guarantee...

Posted on: 23 July 2002 by Bosh

See this thread from January:


I went the UK way (Traded my XX2 and effectively £400 for fitting, Linn setup and Black SNAIC fitting to Prefix)Perhaps "Wheres Vuk" is going to Japan soon wink