
Posted by: Eric Barry on 02 May 2001

Well, well, well. One can no longer access the Naim forum from the Morgan Stanley computer network. There goes one of my main ways to kill time.

When you load it a screen says the site is blocked because it contains inappropriate materials. The only inappropriate materials I can think of are Vuk's puerile Sam Fox nudie pix.

Disgusted all around.


sorry eric had to take the personal slagging away!

[This message was edited by Paul Stephenson on FRIDAY 04 May 2001 at 10:47.]

Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Andrew Randle
I doubt it, unless the Morgan Stanley server sends a skin-colour hunting bot into the infopop server...

It will be the word "infopop" in the domain name that causes it to deem your request a... waste of company resources. big grin Let's face it, the way the market's going, Morgan Stanley are going to need all the resources they can get big grin


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Mick P

May I enquire as to the name of the school of charm, which obviously failed so badly in your case.



Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Eric Barry
Other infopop forums, and the infopop site itself, load no problem.

Morgan Stanley does seem to go through the logs of websites people access and block access to them (this has happened with several web-based email sites which I was able to access for a time before they were blocked.)

Mick, I can be quite charming. I know you're a Sam Fox fan, but step back here. If someone is reading the forum and out of nowhere one of those stupid Sam Fox things shows up when scrolling down the page, and a coworker (particularly female) walks by, they would have every right to be upset, and it would be actionable at most work sites.


Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Nigel Cavendish

The only inappropriate materials I can think of are Vuk's puerile Sam Fox nudie pix.

Do you know that is the reason or are you guessing? Why not ask the IT team?

Secondly: why object when an employer denies their employees the opportunity of wasting their time? (I am assumimng here that you had been doing this in company time?)



Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Steve Toy
I'm just glad I live in the UK - still a FREE country! The US seems to be on a constant witch-hunt in its demented pursuit of Political Correctness. The three main tenets of human rights as laid down by post-revolutionary France more than two hundred years ago were liberty, equality and fraternity. All three coexist nicely, but it seems our US cousins have abandoned the former and the latter. Freedom of expression seems to be suffering a lot too.
Morgan Stanley don't want people to waste their working time. Fine, but there must be less sinister ways of going about that than blocking Naim-Audio's website.
Posted on: 02 May 2001 by John C
Try telling that to the people imprisoned in Oxford Circus for 8 hours yesterday!


Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Rico
but step back here. If someone is reading the forum and out of nowhere one of those stupid Sam Fox things shows up when scrolling down the page, and a coworker (particularly female) walks by, they would have every right to be upset, and it would be actionable at most work sites.

Only in a super P.C. country. Eric, you can be absolutely sure here in the UK there'd be little fuss... and more often than not, said co-worker would take the piss out of you anyway. I suggest you relax, go make friends with your network admin staff, and stop slinging mud at Vuk (fun as it can be at times).... at least until you can prove it had anything to do with him. And then you can buy him a beer, and something to ad to his Sam Fox collection by way of an appology. Cheers.

Your network team holds the key - they need your lurrrrvvvv.

Rico - all your base are belong to us.

Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Chris Brandon
If your Network Admin guys are unwilling,an easy way round the problem is by sneaking a modem in your p/c and setting up an ordinary dial-up isp account using your phone line (assuming outside connection is available)

Thus using the phone line as opposed to your network provided proxy server (...and its inherant "annoyances")

(this tip is happily given to you by a "Network type Guy" !!!)

Slight warning,If poss,buy the IT guy a couple of pints and ask him to "help" you (ie...get him to do it for you) as there are sometimes network address related oddities( eg. tcp/ip values changed by ISP installer program which leaves your normal "host" network un-reachable)



Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Frank Abela
Is Vuk boycotting the forum again?


Posted on: 02 May 2001 by David Dever
Only in a super P.C. country. Eric, you can be absolutely sure here in the UK there'd be little fuss...

Part political correctness, part bandwidth issues--as I understand it, the problem (from an IT perspective) has less to do with still pics (of whatever ilk) than with streamed a large corporation (especially one in the financial sector), bandwidth is money is time. More idiots, more downloads = less access to critical financial information.

Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Rico
More idiots, more downloads = less access to critical financial information.

Dave, have you been away from the real technological world a while? 'Critical Financial Information rarely comes from the internet.

Rico - all your base are belong to us.

Posted on: 02 May 2001 by David Dever
Dave, have you been away from the real technological world a while? 'Critical Financial Information rarely comes from the internet.

Nobody ever said it had to be the Web, just a high-bandwidth network connection...

Dave Dever, NANA
33.6 kbps and all

Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Mick P

To describe Vuk as an idiot is not only gutless because he seems not to be around these days but patently inaccurate.

Vuk held many strong views and could be dogmatic in his approach, but he was always objective and backed his arguments up with research and examples.

His views stimulated many discussions which led to numerous people doing things which they never would have done.

I, for instance, have improved the sound of my system by using his nut/ballbearing/MDF contraption.

Vuk has done many good things for both Naim and Mana and before you go shouting your mouth off again, it may be prudent to ask yourself what you have done.



Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Mick P

It was only in jest....John

if you say so.



Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Eric Barry
Obviously I don't think Vuk is an idiot, though I maintain that posting nudie Sam Fox pics can hardly be described otherwise. Hyperbole is one of his trademarks, so I thought I'd throw a little in his face. As far as Vuk being defenseless, I'm sure someone will alert him to the thread and he can defend himself if he feels the need.

I maintain that freedom, Steven, is not primarily measured by the ability to put Sam Fox naked on a public forum. The fact that some of you seem to think so might go some way towards explaining why women have made about 10 posts in the entire history of the forum. As far as denigrating the US for essentially being in the vanguard of gender equity, well that's a laugh. Try Australia, where women actually get paid nearly on a par with men. And get used to it--sexual objectification in the workplace IS NOT OK.

As far as why the Naim forum is now blocked as "inappropriate" at Morgan Stanley, it's true I am only making inferences. However, over the last nine months, I have seen websites that I use for email (not obvious ones like yahoo) get blocked. The firm has a stated policy of no email besides their system, in order to keep viruses out of the system, and somehow they must be poring over http requests to find web-email sites, because each time I find one that works, they block it within a couple of months. However other forums that I use--Exposure, Audio Asylum, Blue Note, aren't blocked. And I'd guess the latter is likely to have a greater Morgan Stanley readership than the Naim forum. Whether MS is doing the checking, or whether they subscribe to a service to check for them, I do not know, but there is some kind of manual checking going on, or else those email sites wouldn't have gotten blocked.

As far as cozying up to the IT guy, well MS has 50,000 employees with multiple IT floors in multiple buildings in their midtown New York offices. Not so easy to find "Mr. Censorship guy" . If I could, that would be a potential solution. But inquiring through regular channels would be dumb, because I am a day to day temp. If you think I should be working instead of reading the Naim forum, I don't think that's any of your business unless you're paying me. And besides, as a temp, much of the time I have no assigned tasks besides answering the phone anyway.

And Rico, I'm not so sure I feel you are qualified to tell me how a woman would feel seeing naked bubble chested Sam Fox on my computer screen at the workplace. Let me put that another way, I am sure you are not qualified to speak for on behalf of women. I mean no offense, but really--you can speak for your friends and I can speak for mine. Personally, most of my friends are women, and none of them are audio geeks, though several are record geeks. Anyway, I've been told by female confidants that they are livid and creeped out at pornographic objectification by men in the workplace, but have not said anything to avoid being typecast as hysterical fems. While some women surely would not be bothered by something like this, particularly in a close-knit work group, the power dynamics at work are such that I don't think you can get a good read of people's real feelings based on their outward reactions. And I really don't think it's your place to say that someone should let something so obviously offensive roll off their back.

More tomorrow, I'm guessing.

By the way, I would buy most any of you beers if I met you, so no hard feelings.


[This message was edited by Eric Barry on THURSDAY 03 May 2001 at 00:33.]

Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Dev B
Vook has asked me to pass on this thoughts on this matter to you all.

'one day you peasants will understand the superiority of my writings and will realise that you all were, ultimately, in error in everything that you have ever said. My thanks to all those who have supported me and seen the light and to those who haven't take comfort in the fact that one day you will get there.

i am now to be found roaming the streets of London (Canada) taking creative photographs of other heavenly bodies (women) and have decided that this hobby is much more interesting than a 102 vs 72 debate with a bunch of sad anoraks (i.e you lot).

I have moved on and suggest you do. In the future, Ross Blackman will act as my spokesman on all things musical and anyone who owns Mana stands can speak for me on any HiFi matter'


Your vodka loving, eastern european, sausage merchant - Vook.

Posted on: 02 May 2001 by John C
Hey Eric, you are quite right about Vuk's apparent misogeny and pathetic pornographic posts here and on the Mana forum. However calling it now, because you can't access the Naim forum ...not a good claim for the high moral ground.
The rest of you defending Vuk's or anyones right to do this ...pathetic


Posted on: 02 May 2001 by Andrew Randle
In that case Dev - you can convey to Vuk, from me, what he can do with his wide-angle lens. wink


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 02 May 2001 by dave simpson
What about the small faction that want MORE Vook-posted nude Sam Fox photos ??? Where's my lawyer dammit!


The oppressed shall overcome

Posted on: 03 May 2001 by Tony L
The only two female nudes I have posted here, have been Sam Fox and Madonna, both of whom are/were shameless in the use of sexuality and exhibitionism to advance their "musical" careers. …

P.S. Since I don't have very much time these days to participate here regularly, I would like to appoint Mick Parry as my spokesman for all further exchanges on this matter.

Oi Mick… Got any porn?


Posted on: 03 May 2001 by Eric Barry
I'm sorry if I a personal insult offended you, Vuk.

I hear what your saying about the satirical element of posting SF and Madonna. However, as I recall there was no rational reason why you needed to inject that "satire" into posts on other topics. The pictures were pretty much out of nowhere. And more importantly, in a work context, the nuances of your humor don't really matter--a naked chick on a man's computer screen is just that, and not a sophisticated Ph.D.'s attempt to send up the culture industry. Maybe things are different in Britain, with the page 3 girls being trod in to work (do men ogle these in the office? I don't know), but then you're not British or in Britain.


Posted on: 03 May 2001 by Rico
Yeah, like I said Eric - relax.

And Rico, I'm not so sure I feel you are qualified to tell me how a woman would feel seeing naked bubble chested Sam Fox on my computer screen at the workplace. Let me put that another way, I am sure you are not qualified to speak for on behalf of women. I mean no offense, but really--you can speak for your friends and I can speak for mine.

I'm not interested in speaking of/for your friends or mine - I only related my experiences in working in four different countries, and across vast cultures (as I expect most of us do). That is, your contention would be true in a hugely P.C. society. If you want banner waving, I was born and raised in the country that gave women the vote first.... by a healthy number of years. Quit whining. Get on with the forum. Objectivising pornography? I've not seen that here. Sorry if my response seems short-sited, or perhaps uneccesarily blinkered; I just accept the differences and get on with it. I did not, nor do I support, inequalities in the workplace etc. etc. etc. etc. Relating your opinions above, a trip on the tube in the morning would be a gut-wrenching affair, with page three of the sun, and Maxim, Loaded etc being read. Ouch.

I'll get the beers in.

Rico - all your base are belong to us.

Posted on: 03 May 2001 by Mick P

I agree with Ian, if I had my way I would have hosed that bunch of riff raff down with liquid manure.

We need to defend the right to protest but that lot just took advantage and look whats happened.

A friend of mine works in Centrepoint and according to him there are loads of smashed windows everywhere.

At the end of the day, you and I have paid for that lot to have a jolly good day out, smashing up the system they criticise, but probably sponge off.

My Rant is over.

Mick....once an appointee Magistrate

Posted on: 03 May 2001 by Nigel Cavendish
It is, I believe an anarchist principle that laws are nugatory because good people don't need them and bad people ignore them.

However, what do you do with those acting outside what is generally considered the moral pale without some form of sanction?

People have a right to protest, but that right carries responsibility also surely, and peple have a right go about thier lawful occasions unmolested. Personally, I have no sympathy with the May Day protesters. They caused mayhem last year and were rightly prevented from doing so this year.



Posted on: 03 May 2001 by John C
What a lovable bunch of old reactionaries you are. Vuk, no insults in my posts I have tried to e-mail you.

Ian - that's fine, if you are happy to have our police force used as a tool of social control. I personally hold the principle of freedom of expression over the sanctity of shop windows.I don't particularly agree with the protesters either. There is no point in pleading for controls or reform of capitalism/big business. They are no more responsible for the outcome than anyone else. The only proper Marxist approach is dismantling of the system not reform. big grin
Mick, I work in central London too, a few broken windows and a sea of police. Couldn't get that rather nice sofa from Heal's window onto the bloody bus though.

The term political correctness is a facile cliche and has now entered the language and our mass consciousness to be manipulated by those with reactionary agendas. (I'm not referring to you Jonathon or any other individual here) I share your objections to the excesses described as much as anyone but in the great scheme of things these are meaningless blips while outrageous inequality continues.

I think its developed into quite a good thread actually. We can talk can't we?
Peace and love to all.


Dedicated champagne Marxist (Groucho that is)