Graphic Equalisers
Posted by: Dev B on 20 April 2001
Does anyone know more about the rationale, applications, models used etc.
Curious Dev
Where are you going with this question? If you have an active system you already have the best graphic equaliser going...
Does anyone know more about the rationale, applications, models used etc.
I ran a small recording studio for a while years ago, so I've played around with a few pro units in the past. At one stage I took a decent 2/3rd octave (31 band) stereo graphic home to try in my hi-fi (at the time Xerxes, 62, Hicap, 140, Kan II), I just stuck it in the tape loop.
The EQ was a sonic disaster. Even when set flat it sounded like a massive preamp downgrade, and whilst you can possibly gain a slightly flatter in room frequency response, the degree of signal loss is to my mind totally unacceptable. Consider the signal path in a decent preamp (the Naim pre contained virtually bugger all in its case), then compare this with the 31 potentiometers and associated electronics on each channel of a graphic. When you think that a decent hi-fi can easily resolve the differences between different cables, a box stuffed full of electronic components stands no chance.
EQ should be applied at source in the studio, where it can be a very useful and very creative tool. I am convinced that EQ at the playback stage is a really bad idea. If the balance from the hi-fi is unacceptable, then it is far better to equalise it by careful room treatment or component choice, after all hardly any loudspeakers will work at their best in all rooms.
There's another company from Boulder, colorado that makes a DAC and some kind of speaker correction device that operates in the digital domain. I just can't bring the name to mind, perpetual something or other. I think the brains behind it is the same brain as for ... O rats I can't even remember the other company that went bust and made the 'Dac in a box'. I asked for some blurb from PS audio once and they included the publicity for Perpetual whatsit's gear too.
yours addledly
Peter .
Hi-Fi people talk about the purity of the signal path but we all have to live in the real world with real living rooms and our own preferences for musical replay.
If it sounds good to you, do it!
I have a lot of recordings on the Water Lily label which aren't doctored around at all but these are the exceptions not the rule.
My system works really well and I am totally delighted with it. It really works musically but the biggest frustration is still the quality of the recordings. I guess that's why I am still of a vinyl nut.
I am still interested to hear about more applications where folks have experimented.
The Cello Pallette received a very positive review in Stereophile for sure, in the firts half of 1992, I think. I also think it was positively reviewed in The Absolute Sound.
It was about $7000, less than a 52. It was a preamp/equalizer. I believe it was a parametric one, not a graphic one.
Personally, I stay away from equalization at home. I figure an equalizer is more complex than a preamp, so a high quality one would have to be more expensive than my preamp by far in order not to foul things up, so I can't imagine it's going to be a good use of my money.
Also, I seem to respond to clarit of reproduction and dynamics, and equalizers don't seem to address those concerns.
The EQ was a sonic disaster. Even when set flat it sounded like a massive preamp downgrade, and whilst you can possibly gain a slightly flatter in room frequency response, the degree of signal loss is to my mind totally unacceptable.
The conclusion I would draw here is that you tried a poor-quality EQ. Good EQs do the job with minimal loss.
Listener reviewed an EQ a year or two ago. This thing had minimal components and allowed adjustment at 5 frequencies or so rather than the 30+ frequencies seen on the cheaper and Pro models. The frequencies were carefully chosen across the range and was reported as working very well with minimal loss. I don't have my Listener's with me so can't give the specifics.
- Greg
Insert Witty Signature Line Here
Andrew Randle
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Would a (proper Naim) graphic equaliser and/or subwoofer help offset the slight drop in hearing sensitivity at the frequency extremes ?
Quite a few Naim owners (and designers) must be heading in this direction soon - is there a need and hence a market in this area for Naim?
Now dsp would seem to have a theoretical advantage in transparency, but it starts with such a big disadvantage, which is that it's digital.