Price Hikes

Posted by: Andrew Randle on 21 February 2001

Can someone tell me if its the 1st of April when Naim change their prices? On past form, what would you reckon the price of a NAP 250 would become (currently £1805)?

I'm going to make another purchasing decision next month, which will rely on a number of factors, including any price hikes.

At the moment I have:

Linn Basik (as in the Basik Basik - *not* the LP-12 Basik)with K9/Linn Mimik/72/HiCAP/110/Kan II

Grounds for buying a NAP 250 next
1) More juice for the Kan IIs, the sound seems to clog-up a bit during loud and dense passages.
2) Avoid the price hike that might take it to £2k

Grounds for buying a Valhalla-ed LP-12 next
1) Better source
2) Maybe it is the Mimik that is doing the clogging-up during loud passages
3) Can re-use my Akito and K9

Grounds for not buying the LP-12
1) I hate the idea of wearing out records
2) I moved to CD when buying the Mimik - got 3x more CDs than LPs

Would the NAP 250 provide any improvement with the current source?

Also, before you suggest, I'm not a big fan of the CDX - would rather save for the CDSII later.
Maybe I'm answering my own question here and I should buy the 250 and save for the CDSII (or even CDSIII wink ), however all opinions would be gratefully received.


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 21 February 2001 by NigelP
My thoughts on this are the following:

Decision 1
Are you wanting to buy a system that you want to grow or something that is an improvement on what you have now? There is a difference in the approach you would take.
Decision 2
Is the 3x of CD's 300 or 3000 against 100 or 1000 LP's? 1000 LP's is a large investment not to improve upon you turntable.

I also want to make the following observations.
I hate the idea of wearing out records
The better the turntable, the less likely this will be. A good LP12 will certainly wear records out a lot less than a Basik. Also there are a number of high quality Axis TT's on the second hand market. I know of one place where you can get an LP12//Lingo/Ittok/Troika for around £1200.
The sounds gets clogged up on dense passages
I am assuming that this is on the TT. I had a Mimik prior to my CDS-II and it was a good little machine. It certainly did not give the impression of getting clogged up during passages.
I don't like the CDX
confused I'm surpised by this although you may not have listened to it with the XPS. I agree that the CDX does not sound great if listened to in a transparent system unless the XPS is attached. It should be a very competent little performer in your system though. Then you can upgrade with XPS and turn it into something stunning!
If I were in your shoes I would probably do the following with a £2k budget. Decide whether vinly is something you want to get something from or whether you are going to drop it. The Basik isn't up to the job with 72/110/Kans. At louder volumes I would expect the TT to struggle with retrieval information due to the budget isolation in the deck compared to an LP12. If you want to listen to records, get yourself a good LP12 on the secondhand market. If not, keep the Mimik and listen to a 250 with the 72. The 250 really benefits from one of the better preamps and you might want to listen to the 180 instead. In fact for a budget of £2k you should be able to pick up a good LP12 and 180 and really makes things rock. The Mimik is not in the same league as CDX/XPS or CDS-II but it's not bad and, if you're thinking of saving for the CDS-II anyway I wouldn't bother changing it.
Hope it helps...

[This message was edited by NigelP on WEDNESDAY 21 February 2001 at 18:26.]

Posted on: 21 February 2001 by Rico
The 250 will give you more of a lot of things, and will grip the Kans better. And a wise man one said "buy the 250".

I'd put my dosh into a better source. LP12/Ittok/Valhalla would be a good place to start. and then a 102 and NASC. And you'll still have change out of your 250 money... the bigger power amp can wait, generally.

Rico - musichead

[edit] = oops, I just re-read and saw the bit about more CD's than records.... well unless you're temted by cheap plentiful vinyl, a better CD and then preamp is the order of the day!

Posted on: 21 February 2001 by Andrew Randle
Hey Rico, good to see you're back. Thanks for the response (and thanks to NigelP too!). I love my 72 to bits, so there's no plan on upgrading that.

To answer NigelP's question, so far I have about 100 LPs and 300 CDs. So, maybe a CD upgrade will be best, either jumping to a CDSII, or outside favoutite Resolution Audio CD player (DNM are likely to demo this very musical source at the Bristol Show).

I'll probably make a decision at the Bristol Show, in the meantime can anyone verify that Naim usually increase their prices on 1st April?


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 21 February 2001 by John C
A Trojan horse then Andrew? wink

Anderlecht 1 Leeds 4

Posted on: 22 February 2001 by Andrew Randle

Andrew confused


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 22 February 2001 by John C
Sorry Andrew I was transported in a fugue of delight last night, and after a celebratory glass or two...I was suggesting your upgrade question was a cleverly constructed ploy to weedle info on price rises/new equipment from Naim ( whose silence on these matters would do to a Cistercian monk proud). Ignore me.


Posted on: 22 February 2001 by Andrew Randle
Oh I see. Yes, that as well wink

Actually my memory is a bit hazy when it comes to remembering the day that price rises occur. Although I do remember its usually done on the same day every year... So someone out the must remember. Need info to calculate my finances

(i.e. if the prices rise on 1st April I make my order for the dealer to stock the Naim component and I buy on 20th March - by which time I will have saved up 2/3 of the cost and will have a month before the amount registers on the credit card to pay off the rest).


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 22 February 2001 by Stevell
Hi Andrew
At one time I owned a similar system (updated 32-5/Hicap/110/Kan)to you. I found all CD players below Naim's CDS failed to be musically satisfying in this system. Addition of a NAP250 did not solve the problem frown

However may I suggest two options which you may not have considered.

1) Buy a used CDS1 for @ £2K ( This can be upgraded cost effectively to a CDS2 later, if you wish)

2) Change the Kans, which I found don't get on with reasonably priced CD players. Try Naim SBL's or Shahinian Arcs at similar cost to option 1. If you bought the loudspeakers used you might be able to buy an old NAP250 as well.

[This message was edited by Stevell on THURSDAY 22 February 2001 at 14:40.]

Posted on: 22 February 2001 by Martin M
the price hike happens on 1st April. I would bet on it being around the rate of inflation this year.
Posted on: 22 February 2001 by Andrew Randle
Thanks Martin and Stevell,

This time next year [we'll be millionaires, Rodney!] I could be ready to shell-out for the CDSII - unless I'm conviced with the £2k Resolution Audio CD53. Either way I'm going to have to be patient.

Stevell, there's no way I'd be selling the Kans - they do a fantastic job with the Mimik II. Even when eventually getting something like the NBLs, I'll always keep the Kans.

In the meantime a bit of extra juice from a 250 won't hurt... I think.


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 22 February 2001 by Malcolm Davey

for what its worth a number of years ago I had Kans driven by a 110. I managed to borrow a 250 for a w/e and the difference was marked. This was using a Sondek f/e.

Enjoy the choice I would buy the 250 and wait ti improve your f/e

Posted on: 22 February 2001 by Martin Payne
I have heard KAN-Is on 72/Hi/250 with a cheap Arcam two-box CD player (Alpha + Black Box 3).

Sounded great!

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 22 February 2001 by Stevell
I appear to have prompted a number of Kan users to spring to their defence by suggesting Andrew consider changing them.

Let me make it clear that I share your high regard for Kans. I know they are capable of sounding great in very high class systems and are far from Andrews weakest link in his system.

What I am suggesting is that they are very, very revealing of source components and so is the NAP250, upgrading the amplifier first whilst making sonic improvements may well reveal the limitations of his Linn Mimik and Basik turntable further.

When I say that I found reasonably priced CD players disappointing in a system similar to Andrews I did not mean to imply they sounded crap.
I should have stated that it was in comparison to Linn LP12 lingo/Ittok/Troika red face

Posted on: 23 February 2001 by Andrew Randle
let me know andrew, if you change your kans especially if they are kanII ,bi-wirable, with the Linn stands.

You'd be lucky. They're mine, all mine!!! wink

Yes they are Kan II (late edition teak, with Ku-stone inserts) on Linn stands.... and no, you are not having them big grin

Even the idea of them handing over is as horrifying as selling my granny! Probably worse!!!

What I will do is try out the 250 in my system and see if there is any major improvement. My dealer will probably bring a demo and boxed 250 to my place. If the demo sounds justifiably better then I will buy. Otherwise, I will save for 12 months for the CDSII.

B.T.W. even with the Mimik II, the system sings and grooves like crazy. I reckon the Mimik is closer to the LP-12 with tunes and groove than the Karik, maybe because the Mimik sounds mechanically (almost artificially) precise in it's timing.


Andrew Randle
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[This message was edited by Andrew Randle on FRIDAY 23 February 2001 at 10:33.]

Posted on: 23 February 2001 by Andrew Randle
If I hear of any for sale I will let you know. Do they have to be available in France?

Let me know when you get them.


Andrew Randle
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